The Militia Chronicles - Recaps, Plots and Stories
To all current Militia Personnel and others of an interested nature:
Following the recent attack on Galaxy City by a Shivan strike force, the Militia Oversight Committee has met to discuss the implications of this tragedy and how we should respond appropriately to it. The Committee believes this to be a crisis of national scale and sends its condolences to all those affected by the event.
In the past year, we have seen an increase in potential threats from beyond our borders, be they our dimensional borders or those outside of our own atmosphere. These threats have had a devastating affect on the city from the decimation of parts of Skyway and Kings Row to the total destruction of Galaxy City. With this increase of high risk threats, we believe that it is time for the Militia to meet these new threats head on. The Militia has an excellent track record for dealing with street crime but has proven time and again that it is capable of operating beyond these boundaries.
Therefore, the Committee has petitioned the Militia Trust to approve funding for a dedicated team of heroes to meet and neutralise these threats to our peace and the peace of all on Earth. The Trust has agreed to meet these costs and therefore we are pleased to commission the team dubbed Militia Prime.
We will be accepting applications from heroes no lower than Security Level 45 for this team shortly to join those already being considered for a role.
Likewise, we are aware of the tremendous efforts that have been made by not only our current team but also other heroes and would be heroes in the efforts to rescue citizens from Galaxy and secure the zone. The temporary offices of Hero Corps and the registration desk at City Hall has been overflowing with citizens eager to do their part and assist with the aid effort. The FSBA has requested that existing hero teams do what they can to assist in training and utilising these peoples unique talents.
Therefore, we have also requested additional funding from the Militia Trust to run another class of the highly successful Militia Academy program. This program has already seen many graduating members become full time, nationally acclaimed heroes. These heroes, who already provide a sterling service to the city may choose to assist in the training of the new class. The new recruits will, just as our previous classes, come from many walks of life and will need help in achieving their full potential and it is the Committees belief that the Militia is up to the challenge of achieving this. We have no doubts that the expert training and accepting environment of the Militia will enable our recruits to grow as heroes and overcome any challenges presented to them by their former lives.
Our press office will be happy to accept any enquiries regarding this announcement.
((This announcement is now pinned to the notice board in The Hub, complete with some of Saffrons annoyed scribbles over it, clearly expressing her frustration before pinning it up:
In the margin next to the Militia Prime applications, she has written, Yeah, I wonder who that might be!
Where current hero teams are being asked to help with requests, a hastily written Thanks pal! is scrawled next to it.
A large, red ring circles the part that says challenges presented to them by the former lives with a comment that asks What the hell does that mean!?
Obviously copies sent to anyone interested wont have Saffs annoyances scrawled over it.))
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Knights of Albion
July 26th - A Dragon Awakens
For some days prior to this adventure, Union Rose (Rachael) had not been herself. This lead to her waking up in a hotel room with fellow knight Dragon Chief (Griff) in a luxury hotel room with a magicians assistant from Glasgow and a fake cop tied up with vines in the bathroom. Shortly after she made advances towards Griff and ripped off his trousers…
We pick up when Griff made the announcement to Lord Britanic (Tim), Ryan Moriarty, Fairy Thunder (Agnes/Aggie), Ms London (Jan), Dolmen (Ash) and Folk Tale (Caitlyn/Cait).
Ryan Moriarty: So here we have another new room, full of stuff I am not going to be the first to test.
Folk Tale: Well at least we found each other.
Lord Britanic grins
Lord Britanic: I see The Lady has some idea we'll need all this...stuff.
Dolmen: Did you find that doors moved? That a way through that was there 5 minutes ago had shifted?
Lord Britanic: Try and keep up, Dolmen. A new map was issued 3 minutes ago!
Dragon Chief: Stupid fairy! This is an emergency!!!
Folk Tale tries to determine if its better to view trouserless Griff from the front or back
Folk Tale decides the back is better
Lord Britanic bursts out laughing
Dragon Chief: This is serious, fellas.
Dragon Chief: Rachael attacked me...she ripped of my trousers and...there was grabbing.
Fairy Thunder: Thineallowed a lady to aprehend you and escape with... your trousers?
Ryan Moriarty: Ok. Rachael? We're talking about a real thing that happened and not a hallucination here?
Folk Tale looks confused
Folk Tale: Rache?
Lord Britanic: Rachael? OUR Rachael?
Dragon Chief: Of course it was real...haven't you noticed she's been...different lately.
Lord Britanic: Are you sure you didn't get confused again, Bryn?
Dragon Chief: I wish I was.
Ryan Moriarty: I guess I haven't seen her in a few days...
Lord Britanic: Okay, let's just calm down for a sex.. umm..sec.
Dolmen: Yes, definitely not like her at all. She must be possessed.
Ryan Moriarty: We'll have to track her down, I'll do a quick diagnosis for psychic whatchamacallits, and we'll see what we can do.
Lord Britanic: Okay, okay... so where is she now?
Dragon Chief: Something is wrong with her's not that unbelievable!
Dragon Chief: She got a tattoo...and her niiii...had some piercings.
Folk Tale mumbles
Even when hunting down a fellow Knight Lord B takes the time to deal with 'vermin' (The Tuatha in this case, not the fairy!)
Finding Rachael & having a picnic:
More Knightly adventures at
Nadja Romanov, Lily Pink, Little Death - The Cadre
Estoque, Bastinado, Spidermonkey, Chic Doyle - The Militia
Miss Teen, Dead Reckoner, Dee Dee Diablo, Kaneko
Knights of Albion
18/10/11 - The Missing Skye
Fairy Thunder, Union Rose, London Brawling and Dragon Chief gathered at the Castle to find Ryan Moriarty facing a bit of a mystery. His Tarot readings indicated that someone was trying to make contact with him, but he couldn't make sense of the message. Ryan and Griff agreed that the Hero's Handbook might be helpful, so the Knights reconvened at the library. There, as the Magician card was brought into contact with the Handbook, the Knights found themselves faced with the apparition of an elderly witch.
The witch identified herself as Mistress Skye, and admitted that she was familiar with the Knights of Albion... as one of their former enemies. Now dead, she had no particular desire for revenge, only to protect one of her descendants who had fallen into danger.
An amateur mage herself, Sage Skye had attempted to break up a ring of Mu cultists in England, only to be captured and brought to America along with a cargo of other Mu descendants. The Knights followed Mistress Skye's directions to Striga Isle, where the captives had been brought ashore, and after defeating some Family goons found clues leading to a dockside warehouse.
The warehouse was a hideout of the Malleus cult, who showed their displeasure at the intrusion in no uncertain terms. The Knights fought their way through the Mu guards and rescued several captives, including the hapless Sage Skye. They also found evidence that the Malleus maintained a temple to Hequat nearby, and a hangar filled with military aircraft and other hardware, for some unclear purpose.
Raiding the Mu temple, the Knights were joined by Lord Britanic, who confessed that he had lost his communication brooch. The Malleus guards put up a fierce fight in defense of their temple, but paled next to their leader, a juggernaut of a man armed with an electrified scepter who proved strong enough to overpower even the toughest Knights present. After regrouping and refocusing their efforts, the Knights defeated the Mu leader and easily mopped up his remaining followers.
The Knights took the time to admire the rather elaborate Mu temple, in particular the quite impressive if evil throne, before returning to the Castle. Mistress Skye grudgingly acknowledged that the Knights had done all that could be expected of them, and, her role as their advisor ended, began to fade away. But she made it clear that the Knights would be hearing from her again.
The Knights chose to celebrate with tea, crumpets and biscuits. Griff had a minor argument with Agatha over Agatha's attitude towards him; Jim and Rachael reminisced some more over their time at college together; and a consensus was reached that while everyone except Agatha naturally had faith in Griff's abilities, he wouldn't be allowed to try and restore Thames' faehood if there was any risk of her exploding or even evaporating in the process.
Finally, Agatha left for the library, Ryan went to meet with Sage Skye and "check her out in a totally professional and appropriate manner", and everyone else went home to sleep.
((For more, see the Knights Scrapbook Entry by Bunny.))
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
((Originally posted by Romanov))
The Cadre
October 19 - Midnight Raid
**SPOILER ALERT - this update features information from the second SSA - Who Will Die?**
Members of The Cadre and associated mercenaries Nadja Romanov, Warplocke (Hank), Third Degree Byrne (Julius), Devestatia (Deva), Gunslinger Ace and Operative Rain met in the bar of the Devils Candy strip club in Port Oakes. They were joined by butterfly-winged exotic dancer Emerald Esoterica who had previously met with Nadja Romanov to enquire about the possibility of work as a dancer at the club and as a mercenary with the Cadre. She introduced herself and it was agreed she would be given a trial. She was unexpectedly joined by an associate Spirit Wolf and the offer of a trial was extended to him - although he was advised by Nadja to clean up his appearance if he wanted to stick around.
Nadja told the group that she had visited her father Alexander Romanov the previous day. She had secured something to help with their fight against the mysterious and manipulative Mason and also announced that she had a baby brother Maxim Romanov. When asked how she felt by Deva, Nadja said that she had no desire for inheritance or affection from her father and felt indifferent about her sibling.
Nadja went on to say that while at her fathers offices she learnt that one of his former aquaintences known as Vladimir was hawking an opportunity that might be of interest to the Cadre. She had arranged to meet him at the docks in Sharkshead island and, after a few catty exchanges between Operative Rain and Deva, the group left the club.
At the docks, Vladimir told the group about a group of cultists called Rulu-Shin who were planning a raid on one of the vaults of the mystical Midnight Squad. The Cadre quickly saw the opportunity to hijack the raid and escape with valuable magical items while leaving the mysterious cult to face the wrath of the Midnight Squad. Arriving at the Midnighters Club, the Cadre did battle with the cultists before making their way to the vault. There they found two things - a giant portal and a baseball cap through which the deceased Tommy Arcanus (father of the hero Numina) was communicating.
At this point, the Midnight Squad, including Montague Castanella and Kadabra Kill, ambushed the vault raiders. Operative Rain elected to escape through the portal but the rest of the Cadre could not resist the chance to beat the living crap out of the Midnight Squad.
During, the operation it was obvious to Nadja that Deva had something on her mind, or more tellingly her finger, that was preoccupying her thoughts. But there was no opportunity during the battles, portal hopping and thievery to enquire what it was.
After admonishing Operative Rain for doing a runner, Nadja Romanov led the Cadre on an adventure in pursuit of magical items, the kidnapped spirit (or skull) of Tommy Arcanus and the giant monster feeding cultists. It ended with them facing a Rularuu guardian and, after answering three questions they were granted passage to where the cultists were preparing to feed Tommy Arcanus to the Hamidon.
After a battle with the Rulu-Shin, the Cadre secured the skull of Tommy Arcanus - just in time to strike a deal with his daughter Numina. Nadja accepted a powerful item from Numina which, with the help of Warplocke, she intends to use to empower the fragment of obelisk they plan to use to destroy Mason.
It was agreed that Emerald Esoterica and Spirit Wolf had perfromed well enough to be considered for future work with The Cadre.
Later, with the mercenaries paid and dismissed, Nadja invited Deva to make her announcement. Hank, Julius, Deva and Nadja met beneath the Devils Candy where Deva announced her engagement to Julius. Expensive champagne was opened, congratulations were offered, and Nadja accepted Devas request to be her maid of honour.
The night ended with the four agreeing to meet the following day to discuss a final solution to the Mason problem.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Knights of Albion
25/10/11 - The Sum of Our Fears
((With thanks to Bunny and Dante for filling in the gaps))
Tonight, a team of the Knights of Albion - the Dolmen (Ash), Dragon Chief (Griff), Fairy Thunder (Agatha), Folk Tale (Caitlyn), Ryan Moriarty, the Sherwood Ranger (Ray) and Union Rose (Rachael) gathered at the castle for an important annual duty: the Halloween party. At least most of them did; a bemused Agatha had to have this newfangled reinvention of Samhain explained to her.
This done, the Knights prepared to move on to the drinking and revelling stage, but duty called, in the form of the PPD. A Halloween party in the suburban neighbourhood of Shady Acres had turned bad, and so the Knights went to investigate, expecting some kind of hoax or practical joke.
Instead, they found that every child in the area had become possessed, by some kind of malignant spirits. The Knights very carefully subdued the possessed children, freed the unaffected adults trapped by them, and located the root of the problem: an enchanted urn that was acting as a beacon to hold the rogue spirits on this side of the veil. Breaking the urn left the spirits with no way to hold on, and they were drawn back into the spirit world.
The Knights set off to resume the evening's festivities before stumbling upon another impending disaster. A local shop was hosting a "haunted house" event; several citizens had gone in, but none had come out. The Knights investigated, and found the shop empty - spookily so. Stranger still, Rachael, who had seemingly entered with the rest of the group, was nowhere to be found.
The Knights found themselves able to communicate with the missing Rachael via their linked brooches, but neither they nor she had an explanation for what had happened. Searching the shop, they came upon a a strange onyx statuette of a vaguely humanoid shape, its limbs elongated and uncomfortable looking. At this point, ghosts started to manifest and attack the Knights, who fought them off to move further into the shop. In the back, they found an old stone tablet on display, bearing a short poem:
Thy soul shall find itself alone
'Mid dark thoughts of the gray tombstone
Not one, of all the crowd, to pry
Into thine hour of secrecy.
Be silent in that solitude.
The Knights could only surmise that Rachael - and the other missing people - had been affected by the tablet, transported into the space between the physical and spirit worlds. At the same time, a powerful ghost appeared in the shop's lobby, and the Knights were forced to defend themselves against it. As they battled, Agatha and Griff started to suspect that this was, somehow, Rachael, and the Knights allowed the ghost to flee. At the same time, a note appeared on a noticeboard in the shop, seemingly mocking the Knights and suggesting that they were somehow being tested. Following the ghost outside, they found a confused Rachael only vaguely aware of what had happened.
There was still no time for rest, as another supposed haunted house had become the site of a disaster. Ray had reached her weirdness limit for one day, and instead opted to return to her camp in Perez Park. Ryan, having had more than enough of ghosts himself for one evening, volunteered to stay behind and study the stone tablet in the hopes of figuring out its properties. Cait stayed with him, and the two discussed...
...costumes, while their friends battled the forces of evil.
Entering the supposed haunted house, the Dolmen, Union Rose, Dragon Chief and Fairy Thunder found little but bad props and out of work actors dressed up as ghouls. It all seemed tame until they came across patrons of the house being attacked by the undead. Although it took a few minutes to convince Griff that the monsters were real and not more actors, the threat became real soon enough.
Fighting their way past the undead, they defeated a number of macabre creations of some mad scientist when they came across a crate that apparently had been shipped from Britain according to the postmarks. Scrawled on one side was the word 'FAILURE' in angry letters. Making a note of the box and remembering to come back for it later, the Knights pressed on, confronting the scientist and his monsters. On his fall, he muttered something like, "the King will be very unhappy about this..." but would say no more when pressed.
Having had enough of haunted houses and having secured the safety of the patrons, they returned to where Ryan and Caitlin were waiting. As Ryan and Cait had inexplicably failed to find out anything much at all about the stone tablet, the group decided to transport both the crate and the tablet back to the Castle and study them in safety, after they'd finally had the chance to relax and rest.
Fate had other things in mind, of course. As the Knights tried to enter the Castle, the stone tablet carried by Ryan triggered again, this time transporting the entire group into a world of illusions forged by a primal spirit of fear. Ryan's psychic mind was an open book to the spirit, which drew upon his deepest fears to create a shape for itself: Legion, the man possessed by many spirits. The Knights descended into a decaying tomb, infested with insane spirits, where the darkness closed in around them like a fog.
The Knights remained resolute, and fought forward through the ranks of angry ghosts, battling Legion's psychic projections and twisted echoes of the other Knights. Finally, they confronted the fear spirit itself, and despite a difficult battle managed to banish it. As they did, a familiar figure appeared: that of the witch Mistress Skye, or at least her ghost. Skye confessed that she had manipulated some of the night's events to "test" the Knights, to prove their worthiness to train her descendant Sage. She was unrepentent in the face of the Knights' anger, telling them that adversity would only make them stronger.
With the fear spirit gone, the illusionary world unravelled and the Knights wearily entered the warmth of the Castle at last. Most decided to call it a night, and departed for home.
((For more, see the Knights Scrapbook Entry by Bunny.))
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
((Originally posted by Dante))
The Militia Academy
26 October 2011 - Rite of Passage
Last night saw the first meeting for the third year of the Militia Academy, set up in response to the tragedy in Galaxy City. With Hero Corps flooded with people stepping forward to help the city in its hour of need, including some former foes, the Militia had been asked to set up a trainee program for heroes wanting to help.
The Amber Banshee met the prospective students in a garden in Atlas Park, stressing the teamwork and collaborative nature of the team. Coming to register were a number of keen individuals. Maiden of the Abyss, Duplikate, Integro, Gothic Nova, Eternally, Dead Chilly, Ironhawk and Acumen arrived and introduced themselves, some sparks already flying as expectations were met
and dashed. Silver Herald, already a member of the Militia, came to assist with their first task although without his sister to communicate for him, the mute hero was forced to rely on gestures and his notepad.
The Amber Banshee briefed them on their first task, meeting the threats that had built up in the sewer system that the Militia had encountered during their efforts in the rescue operation. Many of the gathered heroes didnt appreciate the idea of getting filthy on their first day but accepted the challenge nonetheless. Splitting into two teams, they pushed back the threat, returning to the surface more confident than before. Despite initial differences, they seemed to work well together as a team.
Challenge over, both teams returned to their new, only just set up base. The refurbished warehouse was
grim. With bare walls and only the minimum of refreshments, the team had to cope with cold benches, value brand drinks and a medical facility that looked like it had been designed by Dr Vahzilok. The latter came into use when Gothic Nova removed a bullet from Ironhawks arm, unconfident in his abilities as he was used to working on corpses. Maiden of the Abyss stood by and used her powers to heal Ironhawks wound but was surprised when drawing vitality from Nova that his Nictus symbiote bit back.
Speaking of which, while the impromptu surgery happened, Eternally explained her Peacebringer powers to the other heroes, some who werent sure what having a symbiote entailed. Nova listened to all of it while she explained, noting a distinct lack of conversation about Nictus. Meanwhile, Dead Chilly, having revealed his scarred face to the team with no revulsion, began compiling a list of things the base needed to be presented to their sponsors at the next opportunity. Acumen commented on why playing poker with him would be a bad idea given his mind altering powers, a challenge accepted by Integro, who as a sentient AI from the Architect Entertainment system, would seem to be an ideal opponent.
Duplikate continued sketching, noting that both she and Maiden were students. Maiden requested that Integro help her with her homework, given his ability to access computers so swiftly, although it was noted that an internet connection would be needed for the base. Ironhawk stoically listened to the conversation but, being unfamiliar with the language, did not understand everything that was said, especially the jokes. Eternally double checked the list of required things while Silver Herald did his best to make sure the new students were settled.
As night drew in, the new heroes retired, some to bed, others to nocturnal activities.
((For an alternative overview of events, see Duplikate's notes and sketches.))
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
The Knights of Albion
08/11/11 – Bloodlines Part 1
The Knights met in the lobby of the castle, all slightly perturbed that the green mist from Halloween had not yet dispersed. Ryan Moriarty, Dragon Chief (Griff), Folk Tale (Caitlin), Union Rose (Rachael) and Fairy Thunder (Agatha) were joined by Kirsty (Blood Covenant), who they had saved from the mad Dr Kane’s house.
Kirsty explained why she had been kidnapped and brought from Glasgow, namely that the doctor was working for a man known as ‘The King’ to find a bloodline relating to the British throne. It seemed that he was intend on stealing the crown and Dr Kane had been assisting him in some way. When Kirsty did not fit with his plans, namely by virtue of being a vampire, she was shut in a box and left to rot. She used some colourful language to describe her opinion of him while openly flirting with everyone.
The Knights, with guest in tow, returned to the mansion to find it under PPD control but were given permission to descend into the tunnels beneath it which the PPD had been unable to clear out. Finding hordes of zombies there, they dispatched them with their usual panache. Griff discovered a table containing the doctor’s journal that seemed to detail his efforts to build a zombie army. It also named his benefactor, Alistair King, of Kingfall Studios. Shortly afterwards, the Knights encountered zombies wielding various weapons including a powerful knight dressed in full plate armour although none of the Knights appreciated being attacked with huge choppers. After an intense battle, they returned to the surface and informed the PPD of their discovery.
The PPD sergeant was surprised to hear King’s name, given that he was a property developer who had helped to rebuild Paragon following the first Rikti War. Following the lead from the journal, the team headed to King’s offices in Talos. A number of approaches were suggested, Rachael deciding to lead the way with a pleasant but formal approach of heroes investigating a case. Griff maintained that they should pose as IT engineers although Aggie baulked at the prospect of hiding her wings.
On entering the office, they discovered it populated with zombies as well and so began the process of cleansing the office. They encountered someone who might have once been King’s personal secretary although now as a mindless zombie, she was far more deadly. After a heated battle, they found King’s computer and downloaded its hard drive, noticing references to ‘the Imperial Codex’ located in the Great Library. Not sure where to go from there, the Knights decided to rest, Kirsty leaping at an invitation to go back to his, much to Rachael’s apparent annoyance who declared her intention to go for a walk instead. The others were lured back to the apartment too with the promise of fresh cooking, although Kirsty insisted on stopping for ‘take-out’ on the way, the prospect of which did not make Ryan very comfortable given her blood drinking habits.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Militia Academy 09/11/11
Wednesday saw another team up of the newly formed Militia Academy. Gothic Nova entered the makeshift base to find Dead Chilly and Ironhawk already present, the former having brought muffins from his new place of employment. Soon enough, the rest of the team arrived, Acumen, Eternally, Integro, Duplikate, Maiden of the Abyss and were happy to enjoy the coffee and muffins too.
They were joined by Mr Sandman, graduate from the previous Academy class, who had agreed to supervise the team for the first venture into what used to be Eastgate. Also with them were new members Siberian Howl and Spades who was teased mercilessly for his afro whereas Howls wolf-like tail barely warranted a mention.
They divided into two teams, Eternally accepting her role as leader of the second team although there was some debate over the comms as to who was Team 1 and who was Team A. They also encountered Spidermite, a diminutive but tough individual who desired to assist them. As the teams made light work of the Outcast and Troll infestation, team banter revolved around Kates entries into fashion week, previous lives and Novas female previous host. Bomb defusing became his task, with some hints at his previous life. He did agree to show Kate how to defuse them at her suggestion that the knowledge should be spread around.
After duties, the team arrived en masse at Pocket D to chatter the rest of the night away. The bickering between Maiden and Nova continued, mostly over his continual teasing of Eternally and whether or not Maiden was abusing the souls of the dead in her summoning. Chilly and Kate eventually grew tired of the chatter and disappeared elsewhere for some private chat an event that led to most of the rest of the team leaving for the night.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Originally written by @Wolfram:
The Militia Academy - 21 December 2011
Observation Report, 21/12/11 For the attention of Militia Team Leaders and above only. Summary of Activities The Academy's activities today arose from a message given to new member Amy Martin by the Midnight Squad. The Squad had lost one of its top field researchers (guess who...) in Oranbega and was requesting a rescue effort. This was the first time in Oranbega for many of the team, and some were very excited about it. Despite that, they showed discipline in avoiding contact with the dangerous magical artifacts strewn around the area. We also unexpectedly encountered Lost and Nictus forces in the area. Once Mr. Winkley was retrieved, I advised a swift retreat. Based on the presence of the Lost in Oranbega, the team began to investigate Lost activities elsewhere in Steel Canyon. We searched two safehouses in all, both connected to the Rikti tunnel network. I considered aborting the mission on discovering this, but judged the risks in doing so unaccepable and continued. In the first safehouse, we found several unsecured computers, from which Integro was able to download data. In the second, we found a captive Rikti Traditionalist and escorted him to the surface. According to protocol, all Rikti data and the hostage were handed over to Vanguard personnel. Subsequently, the team received a request for assistance from a Dawn Patrol member, here incognito to pursue a research lead. We found the agent under attack by Circle of Thorns forces and assisted her in retrieving the artifact she had come for. Observations The Academy continues to work effectively, though they still seem to be used to operating in split teams. I suggest we need a way to emphasise working together as a complete group. Some of the injuries suffered today could have been avoided. However, the team showed they can react well to changing combat circumstances. In my judgement they should be considered for some more advanced tasks. I have some concerns about James' behaviour. Maybe it's just the Warshade integration process but his attitude occasionally goes beyond being merely confrontational. I suggest he be assessed by someone more familiar with Kheldian psychology. In general the team seems to have some lasting friction, but I don't think I'm qualified to judge how serious it is. They look out for one another when the fighting starts, but that might change if real hostility breaks out between members. Might be something to watch. I'm concerned that the team was a little too reliant on me for leadership this evening. In the long term the team needs to develop its own internal leadership. Ally's absence is probably a factor. Additional We found nothing to link the presence of Lost agents in Oranbega with Lemkin's plot, but with the two coming so close together I suggest we keep an eye on the situation. The Lost showing an interest in magic again cannot be the start of anything good. During the evening's action, the team came into contact with Lost and Rikti working together, including a Lost tunnel leading to a Rikti underground base. I wasn't asked any questions about this and I tried to avoid the subject, but I can't be sure they haven't learned more than they were meant to. I take full responsibility for any breach of clearance that occurred. Jen. |
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Militia Academy
Observation Report, 3/1/12 Summary of Activities A small Academy team (Acumen, Gothic Nova and Spidermite) was on hand this evening when I was asked to pass on a request for field assistance from Positron. Positron has been tracking increased activity from several organisations, most notably the Circle of Thorns, Clockwork and Vahzilok.* His first lead led us to a Vahzilok hideout. The team seemed happy (enthusiastic in Spidermite's case, not surprisingly) to be working with such a high-profile hero. Even being deployed into one of the most unpleasant sewers I've ever seen didn't seem to diminish the mood. A biological specimen container was recovered; following the nasty business with our last outing against the Vahzilok, I decided not to examine it too closely in the field. The item was delivered back to Positron intact. Next, Positron asked the team to shut down a Clockwork assembly plant that was producing a large output of robots. The Clockwork seemed highly protective of some specific supplies stored in the building. Spidermite says she was able to detect the residual scent of high explosives in the area, which is worrying. The area was secured and all unusual materials handed over for analysis. When we returned, Positron had received a request for hero assistance from MAGI that he thought related to our investigation. The team was teleported deep into Oranbega to retrieve the "book of T'Jer'imikanu". In the process of doing so and securing the means to leave again, we also came across a set of blueprints to the Overbrook dam. Not knowing what to make of the Circle taking an interest in modern engineering, we handed them over to Positron. Positron's final scheduled task for us was to investigate a Vahzilok front company owned by a Dr. Morben. The Vahzilok leader on hand was identified as "Doc Buzzsaw" (real name unknown). She seemed to be involved in supplying the drug Excelsior to the Vahzilok; we recovered a number of other samples and specimens that, again, I left it up to Positron to examine in any detail. Before he could fully analyse the data, the Circle of Thorns launched their surprise attack on Atlas Plaza (full details to be found in Sky Dragon's report). We moved to assist; again, Spidermite's enhanced senses were useful in locating isolated heroes. Once a sufficient number of heroes had regrouped to retake the plaza, our team entered city hall to secure it. We were unsuccessful in apprehending the Circle of Thorns' leader on the scene, as he created a group of doppelgangers of our team to delay us while he teleported to safety. The team coped well with having to fight against themselves, and with a little coordination we were victorious. Azuria was unharmed, but the Book of T'Jer'imikanu had been taken. Observations The team worked effectively and with no serious problems. Spidermite's sense of invincibility and lack of concern for her own safety is a potential problem (we've seen the immortality complex that regenerative powers can give rise to before). Additional *In addition to the above mentioned criminal organisations, we encountered Outcasts gang members out in force with heavy weaponry. After the arrest of their latest leader by the Academy team, an increase in gang activity is unexpected. If Positron is right that these situations are interrelated, it could be something to watch. Based on PPD files, Doc Buzzsaw usually operates out of the Rogue Isles as a free agent and is not a member of either of the two main Vahzilok factions. Her involvement suggests that the recently incarcerated Doctor Vahzilok may not be orchestrating these activities. The significance of the Book of T'Jer'imikanu and its recapture by the Circle of Thorns is beyond me, but I'm led to believe it's bad news. We're not out of the woods yet, not by a long shot. Jen. |
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
Cadre, 4/1/12
Pest Control
Evening found Nadja, Deva, Byrne and Hank at the bar in the Devil's Candy, where they were met by a mysterious figure seeking to enlist their help. The Hand of Saleth's hopes that he would allowed to murder the newcomer on general principles were dashed when the man - who at first refused to identify himself at all, before grudgingly allowing himself to be called either The Orchestrator or Steve - offered to work for free as a mercenary with the Cadre, in order to earn some good will before sharing the nature of his plans. To try out Steve's skills, the Cadre took on a job from the Arachnos-sponsored biologist Dr. Vernon von Grun.
Von Grun had developed what he claimed was the answer to the problem of the Devouring Earth. He sent the Cadre to Woodvale, Paragon City, to retrieve core samples from the Hire Spires that grow there, broadcasting the Hamidon's control to its creations. The Cadre demolished several spires and returned the biological matter from each to von Grun, who used them to complete his weapon: a bomb that would send the Devouring Earth into a fevered frenzy of destruction, causing them to tear apart half of Paragon City before burning out and dying in droves.
The Cadre boarded the Arachnos flier again to return to Paragon and distribute the hefty bombs throughout Woodvale. That done, they beat a hasty retreat back to the Isles, counting on the bombs to be detonated once they were safely in the air.
Things went wrong in a slightly unexpected way; the bombs didn't go off at all. Feeling the chill of the executioner's disruptor mace on his neck, von Grun hastily came up with an explanation of why it wasn't his fault: the ghost of the well-known hero Woodsman still lingered, bound to Woodvale, and could be using his influence to prevent the detonation. Exasperated, but always happy to accept more payment, the Cadre flew back to Eden yet again and engaged the Woodsman in battle. They prevailed easily, and once Deva deemed the ghost sufficiently discorporated to be unable to interfere, they flew back again, determined not to get caught in the chaos.
Except that again, there was no chaos. As von Grun floundered for an explanation, Hank cut him off, leaving him to deal with the mess he'd gotten himself into. Deva took the opportunity to depart, and Byrne, concerned about her, left shortly after.
Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.
The Militia has been a running supergroup on Union since 2006 and since the demise of the general Union Roleplayers recap thread, weve been without a place to update on the forums. So therefore, here is a recap thread for the stories, plots and roleplay relating to the supergroups under our banner: The Militia, The Cadre and The Knights of Albion (our Virtue SG). All the juicy stuff happens over at for full details of all our plots and goings on.
The Militia 12 October 2011
Following the devastating attack on Galaxy City, the Militia was summoned by Longbow Captain Hallard to assist in the rescue operation. Assigned to trouble-shooting duties, the Militia were teamed with a number of other heroes who had shown up looking to assist the aid effort. Split into two teams under The Amber Banshee and Estoque, they dove headlong into the disaster zone.
Heading into the sewers to curb the influx of Arachnos since the meteors struck, they discovered a nefarious plot by Barracuda to pump refined coral into the Paragon City water supply, using the Shivan invasion as a cover for their operation. After destroying the pumping stations and taking down Barracuda, they were able to free a number of unlikely hostages from The Lost, The Council and The Vahzilok along with a number of citizens hiding from the Shivans.
Emerging from the sewers, Captain Hallard then dispatched them to the ruins of the Cygnus Medical Centre where life signs had been detected. Entering the remains of the hospital, they fought against a number of Shivan entities that had emerged from the city morgue, battling through to free two civilians who had become trapped in the wreckage.
After the foul stench of the sewers and the exploding alien goo of the Shivans, the Militia and their allies were disappointed to be dispatched back to the sewers again where Hydra entities had emerged, rising up out of the depths. Searching for the shut off valves to close off the lower parts of the sewer, they battled against the Hydra creatures alongside an unlikely ally, the Rikti Restructurist Zyn Vdek who had been dispatched to find out why the Hydra was responding to the invasion.
Finally able to get cleaned up, the Militia returned to Captain Hallard only for an emergency announcement to be given to The Amber Banshee. Reading the announcement, she told them that the Militia Oversight Committee had convened to discuss the Shivan invasion and the recent Praetorian incursions. The Committee had decided to sponsor the setting up of two new branches to the Militia. A team to take on the extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensions threats that seemed to have become more common, a high security level team dubbed Militia Prime. Alongside that, the Militia had been commissioned to run another class of their highly successful Academy Program to enable new heroes who had emerged from the Galaxy disaster to find their strengths and train them to be world class heroes.
The full text of the Militia Oversight Committee is included below.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -