Connectivity from the EU?




This last week I've been experiencing some real bad foreign lag and I am beginning to believe that I'm not alone but this is one of the best places to check

My ISP is statistically one of the fastest in the UK and their download speed is closer to what they advertise than almost any other... but just recently I've noticed when I am trying to connect to a server in any non-EU nation there's a massive drop in performance.

Worse, when I connect to the USA, I notice a big drop between East and West Coast. If I'm connecting from the UK to California I can be at down to 2 megs on my bandwidth - 10% of my speed connecting to a UK server. My ping seems to increase too.

I'm not a network engineer, and my ISP (Virgin for those interested) are washing their hands of it saying "nuffink to do wiv us, guv" but I'm noticing that I may not be the only EU resident experiencing this.

If anyone has some enlightening info to share on this, I'd be real grateful.

(PS, Mod note, I know this may also belong in TI&B but I figure it'd be most useful here, initially at least. Please advise if you think otherwise)

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I'm also on Virgin (Scotland). I tried running a bunch of's and I guess I got similar results - within the EU download speeds were fairly consistently within 80-100% of maximum, and outside that it degrades a fair bit. Although I did still get EU level performance on some Russian servers. East Coast US was quite variable, anywhere from 25% to 70%. West Coast was anywhere from 5% to 25%. The worst one I tried was Seoul which came in at 0.8%.

But none of that seems particularly out of the ordinary to me. I've always noted a drop in performance between East and West coast servers (when downloading files, I'll pick East over West every time), and I've always found performance to be highly variable depending on the servers I was connecting to within a given region. I actually only get 80% of max download speed on the Aberdeen server vs 100% to e.g. Paris, despite being in Scotland myself - so I'd not be at all surprised by even bigger differences the further away I get.

I'm not a network engineer either, so I may be talking nonsense, but I'm fairly sure the further away the server is, the more 'hops' there will be to reach it, and so the more places where slowdown can occur (crappy servers, high traffic, technical issues) - all of which will be outside your ISP's control. Your ISP will get you out onto the interwebs, but after that it's a mish-mash of other organisations' hardware you're relying on, so if you're getting good performance within the EU and the problems only start beyond that, it's not likely to be an issue with your ISP.

And your Ping will definitely increase between East and West coast US (probably about double, maybe triple) - Ping is basically a measure of travel time, so more distance = more time.

(this isn't to say there's not a problem somewhere out there that's getting between you and wherever you're connecting to, giving worse performance than usual, but most of what you've posted sounds normal to me)



Also on virginmedia.

Can't give any figures can only give aan impression on how it 'feels' as it were.

The game does seem to occasionally spike the lag some times with a slight delay or rubberbanding. Most noticeably when I charged my ws into the middle of the group guarding Percy at the midnighters club. I hit 'Eclipse' and then got snapped back halfway to the entrance where the animation played.

Also a BAF trial was a tad laggy last night but that's to be expected right?

Allodoxaphobia is the fear of opinions.

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. MARCUS AURELIUS (121-180 AD)



Oh, within CoH itself I haven't had any major performance drops recently - nothing that'd prompt me to check /netgraph, anyway i.e. no delayed power activations, rubber banding, or anything like that.

edit: although today, I'm finding a bunch of sites are unreachable (e.g. wikipedia) for me, but apparently aren't down (according to