I know there's been like 100 of these recently but I guess it comes with Freedom right? Lol, anyways as the title says returning vet looking for a decently active RPSG or looking to start an SG either modern day heroes or modern day magic theme, which is really what I'd like to find or start. Either way if there are any out there looking or interested in starting one please PM me @Masters in-game. Happy gaming and thank you for your time!
Not to be entirely self serving let me point out the stickied thread at the top of the forums where SG's are advertising. Other than that let me direct you to the link in my sig...
I know there's been like 100 of these recently but I guess it comes with Freedom right? Lol, anyways as the title says returning vet looking for a decently active RPSG or looking to start an SG either modern day heroes or modern day magic theme, which is really what I'd like to find or start. Either way if there are any out there looking or interested in starting one please PM me @Masters in-game. Happy gaming and thank you for your time!