Burned out on pets




Just a quick question here. If I use summon spiderlings, burnout, and summon spiderlings, what will happen? Will it kill and respawn the spiderlings, summon new, additional spiderlings, or have no effect?



Originally Posted by Pyro_Master_NA View Post
Just a quick question here. If I use summon spiderlings, burnout, and summon spiderlings, what will happen? Will it kill and respawn the spiderlings, summon new, additional spiderlings, or have no effect?
Right now my spiderlings power refreshes about ten seconds before my old ones expire; if I use the power at that point, before the old ones die, it does nothing but go into cooldown again.

I'd imagine the same is the case for using Burnout.



Thanks. That was not what I wanted to hear, but I expected as much.