Hero League International (Virtue) is recruiting.
I've known some of the founding and early members of the HLI SG's for over two years now, and have been in several SGs and VGs with them. While I'm not a member of either HLI, I can recommend the groups whole-heartedly.
These two groups know how to roleplay, and roleplay well, at casual and deep-story arc levels. They know how to be inclusive without being controlling, know how to help you develop your own characters, but not to let spotlight cravers dominate it all. They know when to push people to interact, and when pry open developing cliques. They know the superhero genre, and what makes an entertaining story arc.
If you join one of these groups, and bring your own basically good attitude and put forth modest effort to participate, you'll make good friends and have a rewarding roleplay experience.
Have you ever joined a supergroup, only to find you never meet any of its members due to your time zone?

If so, I'd like you to know that the Hero League International (Virtue, blueside) is recruiting, and I'm spearheading the push to build our membership in the Oceanic times zones.
The League is composed of representatives from different countries working together to keep Paragon City and the world safe - each character is the only member from their respective nation. Members range from atomic powerhouses like myself (Dr Harmony, Singaporean representative) to non-powered characters such as Cuba's Vata Loca or Scotsmans' Blade (from Scotland!) or anything inbetween. We also span the gamut from hardened veterans of the crimefighting scene to naive young mutants coming to grips with their gifts. Like many of our members, I'm not actually the same nationality as my character, so feel free to make a rep from whatever country intrigues you.
A list of our current roster is kept up to date at our guild portal site here:
If you're looking to design a new character for the League, this is a handy reference as to which countries are not represented.
We're a role-playing group. Everyone's definition of this is a bit different - for us, it means talking in character whilst doing missions and sometimes hanging around the base chatting. I often run teams with League members and anyone else who's around during the week, and maybe task forces at the weekend. We're not demanding RP nazis though, so dont let this put you off.
Did I mention the base? Its fully functional in terms of teleporters and other facilities, but also an amazing split-level masterpiece by our designer, Ayumu Diachi, featuring the best medical bays I've ever worked in, labs, living quarters, personalised rooms for members, and "The Beast" - a giant armoured truck in our garage!
We also have a second group, Hero League Infinity, for non-national-icon characters and alts of HLI members. Any existing characters who don't fit the Hero League's admittedly restrictive criteria would be more than welcome there.
If you'd like to arrange an interview, I can be contacted here on the forums by PM, or in-game during Australian evenings most weeknights (that's 2-3 hours before maintenance onwards) as @Carla Simone.
In game, Dr Harmony has emailed the embassies of many unrepresentd countries, so feel free to use that as an in-character excuse to call me.
I look forwards to hearing from you!