Salvage drop rates

Katie V



In response to this thread in the I21 bug reports forum, I've been tracking my salvage drops while running solo. 3,381 defeats later, the results are in:

Pool       Drop Rate         Range   Drops        Expected    Mobs
Salvage       11.24% 10.28%-12.27%     446         285-352   3,967 min. equiv.
  minion      11.94% 10.58%-13.42%     247         143-191   2,068 minions
  lieutenant  14.20% 11.90%-16.76%     118          72-107     831 LTs & snprs
  boss        31.89% 26.20%-38.01%      81           51-78     254 bosses & EBs
I can say with 99.99999999% confidence that the current salvage drop rate for minions is higher than the official 8%. The drop rates for LTs and bosses are also high, but not too far outside the expected ranges: there's a roughly 1 in 2000 chance that the LT drop numbers are due to randomness rather than a shift in drop rates, and the boss drop number is within the 99% interval for a 25% drop rate.

Anyone else have data on this?