Yes kids, straight out of the successful UG badge run on Sunday, I am biting off more than I can chew and attempting the @#$$#$ of all MO trials , the Keyes.
Please bear in mind I haven't run this a lot. I'm going to need a learning curve. But to those that got Lady Gray with me know, I won't stop until I get this. Soooo....without further bs-
Friday at 7:30 PM, will try multiple runs. Lord knows we won't do it in one shot.
Will attempt the "easier badges" first, Anti-anti matter and Bunker buster.
I will do my Trial homework and read up as best I can.
All toons are welcome. But remember, its a heal intensive ordeal. So keep that in mind.
Hope to see some of the new friends I made last week there.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.
Yes kids, straight out of the successful UG badge run on Sunday, I am biting off more than I can chew and attempting the @#$$#$ of all MO trials , the Keyes.
Please bear in mind I haven't run this a lot. I'm going to need a learning curve. But to those that got Lady Gray with me know, I won't stop until I get this. Soooo....without further bs-
Friday at 7:30 PM, will try multiple runs. Lord knows we won't do it in one shot.
Will attempt the "easier badges" first, Anti-anti matter and Bunker buster.
I will do my Trial homework and read up as best I can.
All toons are welcome. But remember, its a heal intensive ordeal. So keep that in mind.
Hope to see some of the new friends I made last week there.
56 attempts later, Master of the Keyes Island Reactor. Bite Me, Anti Matter.