Tailor Troubles- Just a head's up!




Was running around in Praetoria with my Villain Dual Pistols/Traps Corrupter, and went to the Tailor in Imperial City. I wanted to tone down the color of my Force Field Generator.

After making the change and forwarding though to pay for the change, it didn't change it. Took my money though, but didn't change it.

I tried this a couple times (just changing the color, so it wasn't expensive) and got the same results.

Well I figured that maybe because I was a Villain and not a Praetorian, something may be flagged funny and not noticing the change, so I went to Pocket D.

Same deal. Tried setting all the powers to their original settings. Didn't stick (but cost a bit more money). So I logged out and tried again. Same thing. So I filed a bug report and gave as much info as I could in the space given.

Then I thought I'd try one last thing and went to the Rogue Isles and tried the Tailor there.

It worked!

So, just a head's up, be careful where you go to your tailor. Apparently non-aligned ones to you are more inclined to give you a set of the Emperor's New Clothes than actually change anything.

I don't know if it's just Traps, or all Powersets, or it applies to costumes and everything, but I still found it worth mentioning to the boards here

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



I've witnessed this happening in the past.
One thing that worked for me (and another that brought the problem to my attention), was changing one thing about the costume along with the power customization change.
It costs a bit more, but it got the changes to stick.
Then go back into the tailor and change the costume back, of course.

Anyway... I'm not sure that heading to your character's core side will always work. The problem just seems to be a bit erratic.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



My husband's having a problem with his Beam Rifle character - he's tried to change the beam color to plasma green - it shows that way in the tailor - but when he's out in the world, but beam is white.

I'll tell him to try changing a costume piece too, maybe that'll fix it...



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
My husband's having a problem with his Beam Rifle character - he's tried to change the beam color to plasma green - it shows that way in the tailor - but when he's out in the world, but beam is white.

I'll tell him to try changing a costume piece too, maybe that'll fix it...
I had the same problem, but the color was red and white. I eventually fixed it after changing the color one shade darker. He might have luck trying that?

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy <@*&$@#!> =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



Has SG mode ever changed power colors? O.o



As far as I know SG mode doesn't affect Power Cutsomization, so that's probably ruled out, but changing costume pieces may work, and thanks for the head's up!

I'll have to try the change a costume piece at the same time thing. I just wanted to make sure that bug was going on, as I've never experienced it before. However, this was after I heard Friday some powers were creating tentacles to sprout out of people's heads and spider claws to come out of their back, so hopefully they got it fixed, or they have some kind of handle on it.

I was just thinking of folks who tried major expensive overhauls to their character that didn't stick. Might want to save those changes before hand, and plan on the inf being spent even if it doesn't change it. Wasn't a huge deal to me, but I could see it making some folks crazy. Figured I'd point it out as a possible issue. I also sent a PM to one of the OCR's when I made this post, so hopefully it's fixed now. However, I still wanted to toss that out there.

Good gaming everyone!

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



There is a bug I've been trying to get some attention to introduced with i21 that involves power customization (in my experience only on PARAGON STORE PURCHASED COSTUME SLOTS) resetting upon death and hospitalization. It is inconsistent. Frequent enough to be noticeable but not easy enough to replicate. But whatever happens, it resets DURING NORMAL PLAY not while at the tailor.

Dying while monkeyed and then hospitaling resets both power sets for me consistently. Dying then hospitaling normal will sometimes reset 1 or both power set customizations to default for me.

On one of my incarnates, I've had a full customization reset. Which can cost upwards of 1million influence to undo because of the high cost of Lore, Judgement and Destiny color customization.

The getting it to take at the tailor is an old bug that appears to have resurfaced. And the workaround is indeed to change something else at the tailor.

But be wary and keep an eye out for this new customization reset bug. The sooner we can supply devs with accurate means to reproduce it, the sooner they can track and fix it.