Germinator Terminator - still not rewarding




I was on team 2 of a league that took out the Seed of Hamidon and I did not receive the Germinator Terminator badge, but I did receive the XP-boosting power. Earlier I had received the badge for defeating one of each type of Seedling, and I did to damage to the Seed itself before it died.

People on team 1 received the badge.

It was predicted that those on team 2 would not receive the badge. I don't know if that's just a coincidence or if leagues actually do create problems for the reward, but it's all I can think of to mention.



the badge is not rewarding correctly still...i posted and told support and zwllinger knows about it too. however as usual they dont wanna listen cause they think its fixed. 2 times now ive lead one team and killed all 100% of hami. nothing

however my support ticket says the following


At this time, this aspect of gameplay is functioning as intended by the game developers. If you would like to suggest to the game developers that this be changed in any way, please post your thoughts to the City of Heroes forums.

Thank you,
GM Alura
City of Heroes Support Team

now heres my thoughts..its not fixed!