The Intrepid Informer: Issue #12




The conception of "Who Will Die"
by Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann

Hello everyone! Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann here to talk to you about our first signature story arc series entitled Who Will Die, a story which will include the death of someone from the Freedom Phalanx. With the release of City of Heroes Freedom, we wanted the players to have a constant flow of new content every month, but we didn't want it to just be random bits of content; it had to be a continuous story from month to month. Matt "Positron" Miller, Nate "Second Measure" Birkholz, John "Protean" Hegner, and I sat down and threw various ideas on the table as to what story we could do for our very first signature arc.

There were a lot of ideas thrown out there, some of which will be seen future signature arcs, but in the end we decided the story that would be most impactful for our very first series would be the one in Who Will Die. However, we understood there would be a lot of challenges involved in writing such a story. The first would be to keep the suspense and mystery in the air regarding the identity of the character who will be meeting their fate. The second challenge was ensuring that the story was still focused on the actions of the player character. This isn't a story revolving around the life and death of the Freedom Phalanx with the player as an onlooker; it's a story about your character and how your own story intertwines with that of the Phalanx.

The first of seven episodes of the series is meant to set the stage for all the other episodes, with heroes and villains experiencing the story from opposite ends of the spectrum. Heroes will find themselves working with Theoden, an arrested member of the Lost who believes his brethren are going to commit a horrible atrocity, which would be 'infecting' the Lost with magic through the use of an ancient obelisk. Villains are contacted by an ancient spirit, Alastor, who claims to have created an obelisk that can transfer powers from one being to the next and wants the villain's help in retrieving that obelisk from the Lost; in exchange, the spirit says that he will use the obelisk to give the villain the power of Synapse, the speedster of the Freedom Phalanx.

One of the challenges when writing and designing the story for Who Will Die was to get the same plot points across by telling two different stories. The first arc involves a magical obelisk which is one of the key points in this series. Heroes and villains both need to understand specific things about the obelisk in order for the story to progress and make sense, but they can't necessary reach those conclusions the same way; a villain needs to be doing something villainous, and a hero something heroic. However, heroes and villains will find smaller clues in their own specific arcs which foreshadow future events in the arc series.

The first episode of the signature arc series is live on the servers now and is free for VIP subscribers, so go out and see the beginning of the arc that will dramatically change the world of City of Heroes forever!

Sean "Dr. Aeon" McCann

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