Freedom serve seedling invasion.




So..we had the preatorian Hamidon invasion today, on the Freedom server. It was pretty fun, seeing talos and shark covered in the seedlings.

On the good side..I found it too be about 50 times less laggy than the 'stress test' prea invasion we had a little while back.

On the bad side...the two invasions began in mid level zones, and in particular, sharkhead is NOT the zone hub that talos is. Meaning that a lot of the people are going to be lowbies. I formed a league of about 40 players myself, on my lvl 25 time troller, just because no one else was inviting.
Then, the invasion progressed to GV, fair enough. And from there into the Abyss (and Hive). I would just like to ask..was ANY thought at all given to what would happen to the non 45+'s in the leagues, when the invasion moved to these zones? Not to mention that both are player capped at 50 people, meaning a lot of leagues and teams were left stranded and unable to enter.

I understand that the Hive and Abyss are the logical conclusion areas to the invasions..but really..looking out a lot of the newer toons just totally ruined it for me. Can you see the headlines now?
"Hamidon Seed has taken over Grandville! Not enough people could enter the zone, and all the weaker villains got frustrated and left! Doooom!"

Please, think about things like this for events.



That was the same frustration I felt when I followed the hero invasion from Talos to Founders' Falls to Eden and then ... oops ... can't get into the Hive.

Since this is not an even being done on each server, the only way for some to participate, short of using 2 server transfers and possibly losing the character name, would be to log on to a lower level character.

If this were being done on every server I'd still have a few problems with it in that not everyone has a character that is 45+ so you'd still be leaving out parts of the playerbase.

Having it go to a zone that is still level-locked, while it does make for a logical conclusion, and a zone that has a cap of 50 characters seems ... poorly thought out.

I was having a wonderful time all through the chases and fights even when I died and had to slowly get back to the fight. When it was announced that it was going into The Hive and I tried to get in and failed (I was hoping they might have temporarily removed the level restriction for the event) it left me very frustrated, so much so that I just logged off entirely.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



I'd like to weigh in with the folks above here as well.
I was fighting in the same league as Texas Justice, and experienced similar frustrations. I'd also note that this created a bit of a situation for some characters who then no longer had the means to safely traverse Eden and return to Founders Falls. (I tried to assist where I could guys - sorry)

It would be nice to discover whether this was an intentional design choice for the event, or simply something that was not previously considered. Can a RedName weigh in on this?

If this was merely an oversight, then c'est la vie. Perhaps it could be addressed before the next round of similar events?

On the other hand, if this is an intentional design of the story/event, then I suggest it would be best to notify players ahead of time in some way. Last night, even if a player had a level 50 on the Freedom server, they had no way of knowing that this would be needed. Information would be key in avoiding player discontent, at least in this instance.

A big banner somewhere, stating something like "all players are invited to participate in this server-wide event, however, certain aspects of the event will take place in zones only accessible to to characters with a minimum level of xx; please plan accordingly," would go a long ways in this type of thing.

That all said, this seemed like a pretty good event. I had a lot of fun, until I had to bail out because I was playing my level 36 Blaster.
However, to keep players happy, and in particular the flood of new players that Freedom is hoping to snag, IMHO it would be best to clarify the requirements for full participation in any future events of this kind.

~ Coltech
Mostly on Freedom:
Coltech nrg/nrg Blaster lvl 36
Mind Stormm mind/psi Defender lvl 22
Dorian Archer Defender lvl 22