Arrrr! The Pirate Costume Power be on sale in the Paragon Market!




Avast, me hearties! Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, and to celebrate this great, grand occassion, there be a new sale in the Paragon Market: the Permanent, account-wide Pirate Costume Power for 600 Paragon Points!

Ye can find the Pirate Costume Power by navigatin' yerself to either:

Paragon Picks à Featured
Paragon Picks à Sales
Powers àPermanent Powers àNPC Costume Powers

Take note, me hearties: the sale lasts 'til Wednesday, September 21, and once it be over the Pirate Costume Power will be sunk to the bottom of Davey Jones' locker, for who's knowin' how long! (The Costume Power will go back into the Paragon Vault for an undetermined amount of time!) Best be hurryin', ye salty sea dogs!

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