Human Form PB




Plama your guide was awesome and made me try a WS. But I got bored with him (before the Kheld buff - I found him way too much work to do little damage, I'm a damage junkie), deleted and now I regret it, so I rerolled him and I'm having fun again, he's 30 now. I also did a PB and good thing I found this thread because I want her to be human-only and I was about to ask what to take, what to skip from the primary - seems like you have the same powers I intend to pick, I was in doubt if Proton Scatter was a good idea and still wondering about Luminous Detonation since I haven't got there yet, she's like leve 9 or 10 lol.

But one thing I noticed: in powers like your heals and light form, you are using 3 pieces of heal/rech or res/rech - the problem is, one of them is always a PvP one, have you looked at the prices of this stuff? Just wondering since if you replaced the 50 Panacea heal/rech for a level 40 miracle heal/rech on your 3 heals you'd save like 1-2 billion for minimum loss, same for the PvP res/rech you have in light form. Pvp IOs are crazy expensive, since I have no idea if you've been away from the game, just something I noticed, since most people don't use them to frankenslot because of their prices.