Not a game bug, but still I21 related...
It's a new color coding system being 'tested' while they debate internally if they are going to allow Premiums and Free players to post.
It's technically Goldenrod btw.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Ah, I hadn't seen anything posted about it from anyone in dev digest or community digest - I probably just overlooked it. At the very least, they should at least make sure all rednames are properly red now (since I've noticed at least two who aren't...)
Edited to add: derp - found it. I didn't realise there were quite so many community digest posts yesterday...whoops. Now going through the rest of the posts I missed by not noticing that.
Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server
My not-a-bug yet still annoying concern is once I log on and am presented with the list of servers, getting the ones at the bottom of said list is a PItA, as the slider does not work. Not at all.
Could that be fixed? Soon!
That actually is a bug, one they are working on.
Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!
Why are the "new forums" showing all our names in orange? Including some previously red names (Noble Savage and Second Measure I believe are two I noticed).
I would really rather not have an "orange name" (unless I were to become employed with PS or NCSoft, in which case I'd be perfectly okay with it
Additionally - where would someone put feedback/questions about new features in I21 now that the beta is over and we probably shouldn't post feedback there? The new blinding white login screen and zoning "pre-zone-specific" load screens are causing some serious eyestrain and "seeing spots" and 'migraine with aura' precursors for me - guess I should have tested zoning in beta a lot more than testing market stuff and running through single zones at a time... Any chance of getting some alternate 'uiskin' options again for those of us who need a bit of darker color instead of the blinding white?
Global @Nomme & @Nomme Again
Protector server