A Big Thank You...




...to our very own Avatea!

I had an issue I forwarded to support, who escalated the ticket until it landed on Avatea's desk. Well, she didn't just take care of the matter, she totally blew me away in the process. It's things like this which will keep me paying my monthly subscription until they pry the mouse from my cold, dead hand.

Before coming to CoH, I played a game called "Horizons: Empire of Istaria." It was my first MMO and my experience there was terrible. Their customer service was equally as bad as their ingame experience. Imagine my surprise when I got to City of Heroes and found the admins and devs actually played the game, participated in the fora (forums), and LISTENED to the players. Not only that, but when I had a customer service issue, effort was actually made to *gasp* take care of it. I didn't -quite- have a heart attack, but it was close.

Now, Avatea has taken my already good experience with first Cryptic and now NCSoft and taken it even a step higher...awww heck...a LOT of steps higher.

Avatea, thank you again! In front of everyone here, I will proclaim unto the heavens that you are THE BEST! Notice that I even used "unto" which just shows how serious I'm being.

Hey Cookie Monster, if "C" is for cookie, what is "N" for?
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