I'm back now, and the explanation of my disapearance.

Bullet Barrage



And I'm guessing almost no one noticed I'd gone. This mostly aimed at my friends and the static team that was just about to start when I dissapeared.

So, my family was renting a house. The lease was running out. Landlord offered more time. Landlord turned into a dick and took away the extra time right as it would've started. Did I mention my mom was incredibly sick around that time?(and still really is.) Oh, and we were short on money at that time too. We explained. Landlord was still a dick and kicked us out.And so we had to stay at a hotel for a while, and because of money issues, I couldn't reactivate my account. -fin

Now excuse me while I update The game.

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



Well welcome back sir.
Is your mother better?



Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Well welcome back sir.
Is your mother better?
Wouldn't say better better. Better than before, but not necessarily better. (Ow. my head.)

Goodbye. Not to the game, but the players. Goodbye. Everyone, remember to have fun. That's all I can say.



BB....hang in there. I am sorry to hear about your hardships, but hopefully the nasty part is history. It might mean that something better is around the bend. Houses/material things come and go, but your mom's health is what counts. Freedom might provide you with some fun escape, and the timing of ftp couldn't be better. Welcome back, and best wishes to your mom!

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Who are you? Welcome back.