Hold that transfer, Don't forget liberty!




Staying on liberty. Just throwing my toons I never play on Freedom (mostly because they have stuff going on besides during the prime time hours). I have not been on the vip server myself but I here that all of those players you try to avoid are indeed everywhere. Looking forward to new people coming to the game. Hopefully they will get addicted and keep this game going for many years to come. Anywho. Back to drinking some more Old Rasputin and playing some batman on the xbox.

Kill the enemy. Take their souls. Drink their blood.



Steele's idea of mentioning who she's playing is a good one... I know I've run across a few of you guys over there, but recognizing each other isn't always easy. XD

My Exalted alts are the Unquiet Bride and the Nemissary (Zombie MM and Dark Defender, orignally from Union), Starlight (Human-only PB), and Raksha (Archery/TA Cor)... along with a trio of my usual Rularuu "bird-things"; Merlin (Dark Blaster), Whisper (Claws Stalker) and Shakti (Emp/DP Defender). They're all currently in their 20's.

And as I mentioned upthread, Brightfires (lvl 50 Rad Defender) herself is also over there, but she's an inactive character. I don't play her.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by Bright View Post
Steele's idea of mentioning who she's playing is a good one... I know I've run across a few of you guys over there, but recognizing each other isn't always easy. XD

My Exalted alts are the Unquiet Bride and the Nemissary (Zombie MM and Dark Defender, orignally from Union), Starlight (Human-only PB), and Raksha (Archery/TA Cor)... along with a trio of my usual Rularuu "bird-things"; Merlin (Dark Blaster), Whisper (Claws Stalker) and Shakti (Emp/DP Defender). They're all currently in their 20's.

And as I mentioned upthread, Brightfires (lvl 50 Rad Defender) herself is also over there, but she's an inactive character. I don't play her.
<-- Doc Mythos, Grats on the Dark and Mysterious win I thought that was you. How about that


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
<-- Doc Mythos, Grats on the Dark and Mysterious win I thought that was you. How about that

Thanks. XD
I really didn't expect the Bride to do that well.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by American_Valor View Post
Hello Liberty.
It has been brought to my attention and appears that some of our friendly Liberty members have taken to securing super group names of many super groups that are on Liberty. I also have heard that they are taking the name of other Liberty Heroes of those super groups as well. I would hope that this was being done to help our fellow Liberty players be able to start up there supergroups and have there names held for them as a gesture of goodwill and server friendship. It would be a shame if a few persons took it upon themselves to destroyed server friendships built over the years because they were being unfriendly.

I truly hope this isn't the case. I would like to think better of our Liberty community both here on Liberty and the new forming Exalted Server.

American Valor
Founder of The Sentinel of Liberty Supergroup
Considering he's merely informed people that their SG, VG, and character names are now his, and nothing more, I seriously doubt they've been taken out of altruistic motives - particularly considering the source. That I've heard of, those names aren't being given back. Also from what I've heard he's not trying to SELL them back, for whatever that's worth. I know people have been messing with him a lot of late, but responding like this is just proving them right. Frankly, I'm just glad he stays over on Exalted for the most part.

I was amused he thought little enough of me to grab my favorite names, which I take as a compliment all things considered. So I went ahead and rerolled some of mine over there - otherwise, chalk me up as another who's using Exalted as a Retirement Home.

One other thing I will use it for in the future is my personal testing grounds. To me Exalted is better than the Test Server: it has the same build as Liberty which means I don't have to download updates for Test and Live, saving me a lot of time. Plus, if I like a build I test out, I can transfer them over to Lib', so really, Exalted is a win win replacement for Test Server.

@Raven Lord

As this is a forum post, I've kept my response to Valor as neutral as I can, since I'm not here to cause a fight, I've not named names. If this gets reported, in the end, it really only proves everything that I, and others, think and say of this person to be true.

So, to quote the party involved, please be a bigger person. Also to the party involved, as part of taking the high road, please release those names that have been stolen - which is what this was - to the people to whom they should belong. Thank you.

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



My word!



Indeed. o_0

That's just not a Good Thing any way you look at it, and I'm a little surprised that one of the Liberty crew would pull something like that. We're supposed to be the polite people.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Unfortunately there's always a few bad apples in every bunch. The plural applies here, I've since been informed there's more than one person involved in this situation.

Even against certain death, it matters not how or if we fight, only that we do.

Most amusing complement I've ever been paid on an outfit, from @Ukase regarding my Blue Eyed She-Devil Anson Maddocs "Fallen Angel" homage:
"She gives my ex-wife a run for the money."



Whoever did this can have my toon names, they all get reported anyway and I'm sure anyone else would do a better job at representing me than I do.

I sure hope they don't do anything untoward with SisterhoodandFriends. That'd be just terrible. Awful. Awfully terribly and terribly awful. Maybe they can call it SisterhoodandEnemies or somethin'!!! Teehee.



Originally Posted by RavenSoul View Post
Unfortunately there's always a few bad apples in every bunch. The plural applies here, I've since been informed there's more than one person involved in this situation.
As Abraham Lincoln once said, "Don't believe everything you read on the internet."



For those remaining on Liberty I hope everyone can continue in friendly server relations. Just because someone moves or plays on a different server doesn't mean they aren't welcome to return and play back here. We have always held an open return policy and I don't percieve that changing.

American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty (SG)

by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG