Marketplace interface: Search opposite version
/signed, because I find that a lot of recipes are named differently than their IO counterparts, so just removing (Recipe) doesn't work.
@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450
I noticed that the marketplace now includes a feature where you can search on the salvage items used to build a recipe. That's great, but it gave me the idea of another related-item search that would be very handy for marketeers to have available.
I'd like there to be an option on a recipe to "search IO version" that will return a search for the crafted version of that Enhancement. This could be very useful to those who are trying to decide whether to sell an item as it is or craft it and sell that. Likewise, it could be helpful to potential buyers who can decide which version they would rather bid on.
And a reciprocal search, to "search recipe version" on a marketplace listing of a crafted IO, would be helpful too, for similar reasons. Both of these would save a lot of time and trouble to marketeers who otherwise have to narrow down the level range and re-search in order to find the other version.
I hope the devs will consider adding this in a future update.