Protect Atlas Park Bank mission question

Chaos Creator



I am curious whether it's intentional that the protect atlas bank mission map is using an instance of the full atlas park zone map instead of a sliced out section of it.

If so, could the field hospital be reinstated so that if you die, you have time to catch the bank robbers, instead of rushing to get across the map to the robber's destination point and thus failing the mission?

Freakshow Raver: I love your knives. You know, you can use them on me later if ya want.
Knives of Artemis Raver: Right



Originally Posted by Skawpya View Post
I am curious whether it's intentional that the protect atlas bank mission map is using an instance of the full atlas park zone map instead of a sliced out section of it.

If so, could the field hospital be reinstated so that if you die, you have time to catch the bank robbers, instead of rushing to get across the map to the robber's destination point and thus failing the mission?
this should be in the beta forums.