Horrah Horray Good Team!




I wonder how many people reading this actually recall Fansy? I do. I also recall the old theme song from the Flowers of Happiness website, which even now, all these years later, randomly gets stuck in my head.

Whether this is the original Fansy or not,... thanks for bringing back some great old memories!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Welcome to the game and the forums
You're a cheery person! Therefore, I like you! You must be on the good team! Hoorah!

Originally Posted by GreenLantern68 View Post
Holy Opportunities! A newb!

Welcome, Fansy! I think you'll find most people both on-forum and in-game helpful and (relatively) courteous! Don't be shy of asking questions, and have fun!

Oh and watchout for SteelClaw...
I have ventured into the Help channel a couple of times but it doesn't seem like many people on, '' Freedom, '' '' Virtue, '' or '' Justice '' like to chat openly about where the Good Guys hang out at. I have found that many people search for Farmland in this game to apparently grow crops to sell at a market at discounted prices. My great uncle used to own a farm but he only bought goats, they ate all his flowers and corn. Sometimes the tomotoes too. I tried to grow an apple tree for my grandpa but the seed in the ground wouldn't sprout. I sang to it, watered it, and gave it lots of goat droppings for the seed. I don't think I have a green thumb.


Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Hi there! Welcome.

BTW, 'evildoer' is one word.
Thank you for the welcoming me non evil-doer!

Originally Posted by Nos482 View Post
YAY, another goody two shoes to pound!
What... I like Redside

You bad guy sir, will be smote with a tuna fish sandwich of justice.

Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Welcome, and dear gods, I hope you're playing on Justice. Sounds like a fun teaming opportunity!

I have adventured into the server of Freedom at first, I was greeted with blasphemous bashing of the Good Team. After much discussion and thwarting of the bad guys I was convinced to go to Virtue where I, apparently, met a professional street-walking bunny gowned, largely endowed lady who disliked my slogan of Heroes. Then I indeed did travel to Justice where I have been hopping around fighting many a villain.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Greetings Fansy. On behalf of Paragon Studios, I'd like to offer you the follow tidbits:

You will be sad to find that we have a lack of Sand Giants roaming the streets of Paragon City, the Rogue Isles and Praetoria.
Please be mindful of the roaming Jerk Hackers or else you may find yourself gone to the Americans.
Go.Hunt.Kill Skuls.

That is all.

I HAVE noticed there is a serious lack of Sand Giants or anything truly trainable in the same regards as my good friends with clumsy, big feet. I have, however, found a way to make new friends even with the bad guys! It's called '' Confuse '' and believe me, it has become a valued strength to my arsenal of over powering the nefarious evils I have already run into.

Americans are not the root of hacking jerks but rather an emporium of insanity found only in Florida. My grandpa has been teaching me a lot of new words to use. We have lessons daily between feedings, nap time, and old war war 2 flashbacks.

Skulls are not to be crunched, good sir! That is desecrating the dead and my great aunt always said that if you kill a skull you might catch a boned splint. She lost her marbles in a bingo accident, I don't know if I can take everything she says as truth. She told me a story once about living in Germany, baked a whole tray of cookies then placed them on the windowsill. Nazis came and stole her cookies, and then ate them. It was a very short story. She usually burns cookies now.

Originally Posted by SuperBull View Post
Welcome to the game.
I will never wear red around you.

Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
It's been a while since I've seen a Giant Monster in Portal Court.
I have no idea what a Portal Court is but if there are giant ''monsters'' there then that will be a place I must go! To tame the hearts of these beasts and rally them to the side of the Good Team!

Originally Posted by Coreth View Post
We do, on the other hand, have Giant Monsters. Kronos Titans, Krakens, Luscas, and Jacks-In-Iron to name a few.

Plus, the name "Paladin" will take on a whole new meaning for you here! Welcome aboard!
Those sound like names from myths long since forgotten! My grandma used to tell me a story about how grandpa was her Paladin against all odds. Mostly she means the time they would go to Vegas and he'd bravely fight against the cheating deckhand, she then said gambling is a product of evil.

Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
So is this truly Fansy the Famous Bard or merely a pretender to his title? (If this game were Twitter, there'd be a way to verify celebrity accounts.)
I would never '' imposter '' myself, good sir. That wouldn't be prudent. I am indeed the one and only Fansy, unless there are others who came after me. If so, I would like to meet them and together we will create a circle of fansy and rise the cult of happiness to fame unheard of! Together our voices will cry in unison and in one tone, '' HOORAH HOORAH! GO GO GOOD TEAM! HEROES LEAD THE WAY! ''
I am no celebrity for the Good Team has no reason to see themselves as thus. Unless it gets them an advantage over the bad guys, then it's okay. BUT only in moderation.

Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
Fansy, I award you +1000 Awesome points -just- for having a Higurashi forum avatar. Welcome to CoH!
You may keep your points, but I thank you for offering such. I would like to earn them through handwork and dedication to the Good Team!

Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post
Welcome Fansy! Might I suggest you make at least one toon over on Virtue, the Official Unofficial RP server.
I do not know what a ''toon'' is, and Virtue is a strange place that I have been directed to already. There is language unbecoming of a hero, and soon I will begin my work of purging all the evils from this ''Pocket D''.

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
Welcome Home!!
Norrath is my home, sir. I may of found this to be a new homestead but it will never be the same. Good Guys only have heroic theme music usually with brass instruments played at dramatic volumes, an orchestra meant only for the brave!

Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Red-side says "Wazzup?"

We're not that bad, really. We have hardly any tyranny at all. You'd hardly notice. We have lots of cake though. So delicious and moist! Yeah, that's the ticket. So you should stop by Rogues Isles and get your cake and have a little victory party with all the differently moral folk.

Seriously, you're here at a good time. Both Atlas Park (heroes) and Mercy (villains) just a huge overhaul to the starting zones, which is currently on the Beta server for testing. Check it out if you can. Or wait for the final version live. City of Heroes is going Free to Play soon so with your first month you'll be premium subscriber forever now and be able to play anytime you want, even if your subscription lapses.
You have divulged information vital to my quest in defeating the bad guys and bringing them all to justice's light! I will use that term only when sneaking behind the lines and infiltrating their lairs. Villains will know not what struck them!

My grandpa used to say that in war they would often times bake cakes and put grenades in them with small smiley faces and hand them out to the enemy, or place them in strange locations that the enemy would come across. The moment they went to pick them up somehow the mixture in the cake would cause the pin to come loose and it would rain down bits of the bad guys. I have never touched a cake since.
I learn something new, even from the bad guys, every day here. What is your ploy??

Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Zwillinger wins again.
Hoorah! Go Go Good Team!

Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
You say that as if he somehow stopped winning o_O

Oh, and welcome to Paragon, Fansy! Hope you survive the experience!
I fear not the experience, for even if I am one against all odds I have truth, and righteousness on my side.

Originally Posted by Alien51 View Post
Welcome to the game. If you want to train a bunch of pets I recommend the Mastermind.
Mastermind is another word for harbinger of minions. The good team does not use people, we join together in a band of heroes to put an end to all plots that masterminds dare to think up.

Originally Posted by Rangle M. Down View Post
Just remember this. No matter what anyone tries to tell you, there are NO Rangle Plots™!
I do not know what a Rangle Plot is, however it sounds evil. Therefore, I will undo them with a thunderous belch of good! I'll eat a mint first, bad breath is a bad guy trait. Being hygienic is for heroes.

Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post

Hope you enjoy your stay.

Just an FYI, but the official official wiki for the game is www.Paragonwiki.com

- Rajani of the www.repeat-offenders.net SG coalition
Your eye winked at me 30 times in the last 2 minutes. I feel stalked.

Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
Does an undefeated champ stop winning when they add another victory? No? Same here.
Defeat comes for all, at some point, but it only counts if the defeat of a hero was done saving the lives of millions. Or if they fell while trying to thwart a scheme of the bad guys to take over a Twinkies factory. I love Twinkies.

Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Welcome to the game! Just remember; everything is a Nemesis Plot.
I do not know what this ''Nemesis'' is but I will undo their plot with a handful of might, and a fistful of pwn!

Originally Posted by Tahliah View Post
Yay! Another cape to join forces with us in the protection of Primal Earth. Welcome, Fansy.
Blessed be to the Good Team! Hoorah!

Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
You may not have trolls or giants to help you out, but I know a gargoyle...
Hmm... is it a friendly gargoyle? If so, I might employ it's services.

Originally Posted by Buxley1 View Post
Welcome to City of Heroes, Fansy!

Watch out for the villains, some of them bite. Some of the heroes do too, come to think of it, but that's a different topic...

Good sir, biting does not scare me for my skin is made of steel that can never be penetrated. Unless they bite really hard. I had a ferret that would bite me every time I would take it out of my uncle boot, the smell was horrible.
Heroes bite only the corrupt with jaws of pure awesome!

Originally Posted by Shazzie View Post
I wonder how many people reading this actually recall Fansy? I do. I also recall the old theme song from the Flowers of Happiness website, which even now, all these years later, randomly gets stuck in my head.

Whether this is the original Fansy or not,... thanks for bringing back some great old memories!
I am the '' original '' Fansy, sir. I am sure there were no others who followed after my likeness for what I did was nothing more than any other true heroic person would have.

You are welcome for the memories, I suppose, but that was then and this is now. There will be more theme songs to be had, more joyous laughter to be shared with the Good Team. Even new chapters to be written once I have collected enough dialog to share with those who fight for what is right and never turning their head to the allure of evil.