Energy Manipulator Proc in Forms?




I doubt this works this way, but I thought I'd ask just in case.

Would the Energy Manipulator: Chance to Stun proc work if slotted into nova or dwarf form? Does this proc get wasted in anything that is not itself an attack?


--- My Mains ---
Nrg/Nrg Blaster - 50
Fire/Axe Tanker - 41
Claws/Invul Scrapper - 50
Earth/Emp Controller - 50
TA/A Defender - 50
Peacebringer - 50
Warshade - 50
Fire/Dark Corrupter - 50
Nrg/Nrg Brute - 50
Blade/Regen Stalker - 50
Ice/Ice Dominator - 50
Thug/Poison Mastermind - 50



i know it does not work when used in stamina (as poeple were slotting that and randomly stunning themselves lol)

as for the kheld forms, i dont know if it was fixed like it was for stamina, but if it wasnt then it wouldnt do anything if you were dwarf form anyway

how the proc works is that the chance for stun applies to whatever is getting end mod, so in a form your getting the end mod and therefore would apply to you (if it wasnt fixed to not work in a power that applies to self)



Would it work in eclipse
It has and end drain on living enemy
Could it stun them?
Nice effect if it did
Thanks for the resistance and end
Now pow 15%? of you might be stunned
Would be a waste in stygian circle those targets are all dead

"Kicking digital a$$ and taking "trademarked by NCsoft" names since 2007"
If you see a rainbow costume or named "Emcc" it is me