Give a Prompt if Accidentally putting one IO on top of Another when Slotting




This one actually kind of scares me. Let me explain. For some reason, this game will let you "accidentally" drop another IO on top of an existing one in your tray without giving you a prompt saying something like "do you really want to delete the previous enhancement?" Last week, I was slotting one of my defensive powers with Luck of the Gambler and "accidentally" dropped one on top of another IO. Needless to say, I was not happy as I thinkI spent 75 million in influence on the one that I deleted. What would have happened if I did that to a IO set like Shield Wall or Gladiator's Armor with being priced in the billions. I don't know what I would do, maybe hit my monitor...heh...heh.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems on your basic "cheap" enhancements you "will" get some kind of prompt saying "do you really want to do that" when slotting. Why not for expensive IO's or any IO sets for that matter? I know there are those of you who might say how could I have accidentally dropped one on top of the other? Well, when you have your Logitech game mouse set for super fast lightning tracking speeds, then you might end up doing this being that you must have a steady hand of a brain surgeon when slotting these. And if your IO is in the billions, then you "really" need to have a steady hand.



I was about to say "But they do," but I'm thinking of the combination screen (and of "replacing a higher level with a lower one.")

If it's not in there - yeah, adding this would be a decent QOL.



There is already a confirmation prompt for when you're placing an enhancement. If you're not seeing it, check your Options, you may have disabled it at some point. Note: I don't think it takes into consideration if you're placing your new enhancement over an existing slotted one. It just ask: are you sure you want to slot the enhancement now.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Yeah, but that has nothing to do with *replacing* one on top of another - and just imagine slotting a level 40-50 and having to answer the "Are you sure you want to place this enhancement?" that many times. >.<

To my knowledge, there's:
- The initial "Do you want to place this? It will be locked in place..." one
- A "You are about to replace this enhancement with one of lower level" prompt.

Normally just placing one on top of another - even con or higher - goes to the combination screen, *except* in the case of IOs, where they're just replaced.