da/dm build




Just started a da/dm tank and looked at the numbers on Mids first and saw some good potiential, just not sure how get it to be soft capped, I can get over 70%
the resistance just not sure how to get it in the soft cap. Is it bad not to soft cap Vs high resistance? Let me know what you think of the build.




The "Dark Armor Sucks" thread started by Dechs Kaison might be a good place to look for builds. There are a lot in that thread, including soft-capped builds.

For sets with little or no defense, I prefer to aim for 32.5% defense then rely on a small inspiration to reach the soft-cap when needed. Most of the time, good sets don't need to be soft-capped, but being able to reach it for tougher fights is important.

Dark Armor has to rely on its heal for a lot of end-game content because it doesn't reach the S/L resistance cap and the energy resistance is fairly weak. If you don't mind the play style that this requires, then go for it. If you are looking for an easier time surviving, Electric Armor and Stone Armor are currently the best sets for level 50 content. Any set can work, though.