Question about macros and binds.




Hi people, I'm coming here because I'm having problems with my binds & macros and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here. I've followed the guides and my macros work to an extend.

My issue is this, how come every time I make a new bind it takes effect randomly? I have three binds now, your usual WS stuff. For whatever reason my keys got reseted and my macros weren't working so I went ahead and re-did them, now only one of them work which makes no sense. I've tried everything and nothing.

Can anyone help with this?
Thanks in advance



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Please list the binds exactly as you entered them in game, as well as any error messages you are receiving.
Well that's the thing I'm not getting any error messages, it just simply wont bind the key.

/macro Nova bind q "powexectoggleon Dark Nova$$gototray 9"

/macro Dwarf bind e "powexectoggleon Black Dwarf$$gototray 8"

Then I have my final one that puts me back in human form. These should work, I'm not copying them either I'm typing them in.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Try editing the macro after you make it to make sure it's not being cut off somehow.
I have, gone back like 6 times to make sure they are right. I've even made them two or three times each.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Hmm. I got nothin.
Yeah, thanks. I'll keep on trying I guess.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
Wait, I think I remember there being a problem with loading binds from macros. Try using a bindloadfile instead. I'm pretty sure that will fix it.
Hm, how would I go about integrating that into my macro?



Ok so, I tried the bindloadfile and wow, I am way over my head here. There's gotta be an easier way.



Ok it seems to be working now. I'm not sure what I did different but I'm just happy that it's working.

Thanks Micro =)