Update error, won't let me load CoH
I had to delete everything and re-install the entire game. Took quite a while...I wonder if the issue was as simple as deleting check.sum
My error is similar, but the updater says CoH is not installed. Ummm, it is and ran fine 2 days ago.
edit: after a few tries it updated instead of installing.
"I did not say this. I am not here." -Guild Navigator
I uninstalled the new ncsoft launcher without uninstalling the game. Then I reinstalled just the launcher, let it update and I'm able to access the game again.
Don't be a mindless farm toon, we may need you on a non-soft SF someday. =)
It states that root element is missing. Every time I try to update it does this or have attempted to repair. I can force play without update and everything apparently runs fine. Any suggestions? Thanks.
edit: Now it says wrong game version, run patcher