I had made a very detailed history of my main pesonagem. I stopped playing one season when I returned, the story was gone. : /
It turns out that now I'm too lazy to think it all over again, would help one to develop again, if people here could help me!
My initial idea is to be a conquering alien race, which after many years of wars left side and became an explorer race and strong diplomacy. My character specifically stayed away for years in reconnaissance and exploration of new systems and the time he was away, her planet was attacked and nearly wiped out his people, from just a few hundred million individuals. With this, the elders revealed the secrets that remain hidden when they were a warlike and conquering race, the strongest training in order to avenge and protect other people from the same fate.
My character was assigned to the planet earth, where the creatures were last seen.
I would like to help to adapt the story of this paragon that creatures could have attacked the planet of my story?
I count on you to adapt to the city of heroes!
Sorry about my english, uncle google help me a little!
I had made a very detailed history of my main pesonagem. I stopped playing one season when I returned, the story was gone. : /
It turns out that now I'm too lazy to think it all over again, would help one to develop again, if people here could help me!
My initial idea is to be a conquering alien race, which after many years of wars left side and became an explorer race and strong diplomacy. My character specifically stayed away for years in reconnaissance and exploration of new systems and the time he was away, her planet was attacked and nearly wiped out his people, from just a few hundred million individuals. With this, the elders revealed the secrets that remain hidden when they were a warlike and conquering race, the strongest training in order to avenge and protect other people from the same fate.
My character was assigned to the planet earth, where the creatures were last seen.
I would like to help to adapt the story of this paragon that creatures could have attacked the planet of my story?
I count on you to adapt to the city of heroes!
Sorry about my english, uncle google help me a little!