Custom Binds




I am trying to perfect a bind that should accomplish one goal between 3 pets...
petsay_name "Ultimate Fury" Say stuff here$$petsay_name "Other pet 1"say stuff here < em dance>$$petsay_name "Other pet 2"saystuffhere <em slap>

Ultimate Fury does nothing, but i want him to dance, and say something,
Pet 2 & # do what they are told, altho id like 2 to goto 3 and slap...unsure if thats even possible...

Hope someone can help...



Ultimate Fury has no emote command in your example above.

/petsayname Ultimate "insert text here" <em insert emote here>$$petsayname NotherPetName "insert text here"<em insert emote here>$$petsayname LastPetName "insert text here"<em insert emote here>

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