Protector Day of Vigilance - Solo Mender Silos TF Race




Solo Ouroboros Mender Silos TF Race

PRIZES: 500M inf and bragging rights

  • Best time: 300M
  • 2nd best: 150M
  • 3rd best: 50M

Event title is the only rule: You must run this task force alone, with no outside help from another player. Everything else is allowed - even encouraged.

You must know how to take a screenshot and upload it online, or send it via email, to participate.

Sorry for not posting this sooner. It's been a hectic, busy week.

Sign up below, or send me a tell at 10:30 am, July 9, at the latest to participate.

Players Guide to the Cities



I take it villains can't do that one..



I'm looking at the Strike Force version and thinking that the challenge is similar (ie.: not easy to solo), even if different, so it might be possible.

If there are enough villains interested, I could try to add a run for them, and find a prize package as well.

Players Guide to the Cities



I'm an interested villain.