Plant Superteam
I will try and pitch up with something... I'm afraid I can't guarantee anything though.
@Fail (Used to be @Tux) and @Tuxedo Infinitus Defiant/Freedom/Champion
Favourite Toons: Prosper [Ill/Rad] Controller :: Infinitus [Fire/Elec] Blaster :: Pocket Dynamo [Fire/Shield] Scr :: Fast [Cold/Sonic] Def ::
Inspire [Plant/Storm] Controller :: Quality - SS/Fire Brute :: Double Down [DP/Kin] Corr :: Pwnz [Fire/Cold] Corr :: Fail [Fire/Son] Corr
We had a fantastic first run, all! Fellow gardeners, you did a great job, and even at low levels our power synthesis was shining. We've already blasted through Nova Praetoria and are on to Imperial City, and I anticipate next week we will make it to Level 20 so we can get out of Praetoria and on to bigger, better, and bolder things on the blue side.
For everyone that played but had to leave a tad early, please feel free to get your alts to Level 13. If you can, go on ahead and take Maneuvers as you go, just to keep our defense up, too. If you don't have time to get up to 13, no worries.
Hope to see all of you next Saturday at 2 PM Eastern.
Things are progressing swimmingly for our cadre of gardeners. The vast majority of us hit Level 20 this week, and we are now turning our sights to heroside. If you missed this week, please go on ahead and work to get your alts up to Level 20. Head over to heroside/Talos Island at your earliest opportunity.
As all of you travel to heroside, keep an eye out for a tell for me. I've created us a Supergroup--Garden State--and will be inviting you as I spot you online. I'm also editing the original post for this, just to flag our milestone travel over to Talos and the creation of our SG.
Happy gardening!
We had another great week, fellow gardeners. Our SG, Garden State, is growing fast. This week, we took down the Midnighter arc (in anticipation of that ITF someday) and then undertook Positron Part I. Even exemped down to 15, and without our shiny new SO slotting, we sailed to the last mission, saved the trapped heroes, and fought our way through waves and waves of Circle of Thorns. After breaching City Hall, we spotted our duplicates guarding Azaria's kidnapper. With a desperate cry of "Vines!", all of our duplicates were seized simultaneously...and then quickly dispatched. Azaria's kidnappers soon followed.
We'll be playing again next week--2:00 PM Eastern, Saturday July 23. Most of us are somewhere between Levels 24-26. Again, so long as you're blue side, you can join at any level. And we'll be playing sporadically in the interim, per usual.
Just an FYI, fellow gardeners: I won't be in attendance this Saturday due to work matters. Nearly everyone that's been playing semi-regularly/regularly with us is now in the SG, so it shouldn't be difficult to get an invite on Saturday without me there. If you aren't, though, @Loupy (El Arbusto) will be running things in my absence, so direct a note to him and you should be okay. Happy Hunting!
PS: Our ranks continue to swell, and one of our greenthumbs is working on a base for our group. More to come on that later.
Most of us are now in the 20s-30s. We'll be playing again next Saturday, but in the meantime, I'm planning on running a Posi Part II tonight with my alt for the SG. We'll launch sometime between 6-7 PM Eastern. All who are level 11 or above are welcome. And if you have a plant alt that's not a member of our SG, you can join as well, space permitting.
Our horticultarists valiantly accepted the challenge of saving Paragon's dam. With just FOUR of us (our Spines scrapper had a nasty disconnect right before we faced off against Dr. Vahzilok, and Sacred had an emergency draw her away), we took down Dr. Vahzilok and his cronies. The good Doctor put up a valiant fight, but with two Plant/Rads painting him with debuffs, and two dominators (Plant/Fire and Plant/Elec) pelting him with attacks, Vahz didn't stand a chance. He vollied a few threatening shots at us, but our three spirit trees quickly replenished our strength.
As for next time, I'm going to lead a Synapse TF this coming Wednesday. We'll gather at 7:30 PM Eastern or so. Level 15 minimum required to join. As usual, all are welcome. If you indicate that you'll be joining here, I'll save you a spot until 8 PM Eastern or so; otherwise first come first serve!
This week, we had a full team of horticultarists hop on for our Saturday run (four doms and four controllers). We decided to run Synapse. After tearing apart many, many clockwork, we faced off against Babbage, who immediately ran away from our flourishing garden. He didn't make it far, and--after a chase--he was dispatched. We then took on the Clockwork King, and he fell far more quickly. We're not sure, but we think we may have punched through the purple triangles, as he spent the entire fight held. (We took a screenshot with Synapse after, but my file didn't come out. If anyone else has a good shot, please post it.)
Most of us are inching into the 30s. Our next run will be Saturday, August 6, at 2:00 PM Eastern. We're eager to take on Sister Psyche, as that TF will not exemp us below creeper use. The record number of Creepers we've seen together have been five, and it's quite pretty, if not deadly.
As always, newcomers are welcome, they just have to be blueside on Freedom.
Hi Everyone, I have a 50th Plant/Fire/Fire Dom blue side on the Freedom server. I would love to join your Plant super team, but cant make Aug 6th at 2pm. I am on most nights, so please post the next date, or if anyone wants to team up please send me a tell in the game. My characters name is Sophie McCloud and my global name is Necromongerr . Thanks and have a nice one.
Hi Everyone, I have a 50th Plant/Fire/Fire Dom blue side on the Freedom server. I would love to join your Plant super team, but cant make Aug 6th at 2pm. I am on most nights, so please post the next date, or if anyone wants to team up please send me a tell in the game. My characters name is Sophie McCloud and my global name is Necromongerr
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Thanks, appreciate. I am so addicted to my Plant/Fire/Fire Dom. Cant wait to group with you all, and have a nice weekend.
This week, our brave gardeners took on the Sister Psyche TF. We had two dominators, myself and one newcomer, along with a gaggle of controllers. Sister Psyche was kind enough to exemp us to a level where the majority of us still had access to Creepers. For the first time, we got to see at least five, maybe six, Creeper fields going on at once. After our creepers and roots ripped apart clockwork after clockwork, we finally faced off against Clamor. Between the many, many, many debuffs from our controllers---plus the creepers and attacks from our dominators---Clamor quickly fell. (For those of you that have a good screenshot, please post it in the Controller forum; my shot didn't turn out well.)
Next week will probably be Citadel, presuming enough of us are at the right level!
Our brave gardeners gathered TWICE this weekend for the double XP period. On our regular day, Saturday, we accepted Citadel's challenge to trim the ranks of the Council. Soldier after soldier fell to our weeds, and we finally tracked down Vandal. Most of us had Carrion Creepers by now, and a field of creepers began to rip Vandal apart. Surrounded by the glow of Spirit Trees---what a way to go---he was quickly dispatched. Here's another picture of the triumphant team:
On Sunday, we gathered six planters (along with a pickup Corrupter and Scrapper) to take down Mendor Lazarus's task force. No fewer than FIVE AVs were situated against us, but we prevailed. First Nosferatu fell to our roots, then Burkholder to our vines, and finally Requiem, Vandal, and Maestro to our creeper fields. (Nosferatu helped with that last one.) Here's a pic of the proud horticultarists, standing where those three tough AVs once stood:
Next week, we'll probably be on to Manticore. If too many people are below that level, though, we might fall back and do Ernesto Hess or Katie Hannon. All plant dom/cont newcomers (and melee types that have some link to plants; e.g. earth or spines) are welcome, you just have to be blueside on Freedom.
Hello fellow Freedom goers,
I am an admitted plant addict, and have formed an all plant heroside superteam alongside a number of other fellow plant addicts. All new players are welcome.
Some details.
Me: I've ran a few superteams in the past---one very old one modeled off a bunch of twin sets of Mind/* controllers. I've played on a few as well, and generally enjoy them. I'm a "vet"---been playing the game since it started. My global is @wtwall01, and my alt for this is Pelagea. If you decide you want to join, feel free to post here. Please post your own global so I can add you in game and we can connect to get your alt into the SG.
Powersets: The vast majority of us are Plant controllers or dominators. That said, we keep things open for the melee addicts out there. Spines/anything scrappers are welcome, and really any melee alt that could come up with a lawnmower/weed wacker type would work too.
Powers and Playstyle: The only mandatory powers, power pool wise, would be the leadership pool (Manuevers and Tactics, at the least). For the plant ATs, all of us will take Seeds of Confusion, Carrion Creepers, and Roots. Roots will keep the baddies away from us and deal a great deal of damage (especially for the controllers). Carrion Creepers does new justice to the word "buzzsaw." Seeds helps with mitigation. All dom/cont secondaries are welcome.
Server: Freedom
Playtime: We try to play regularly on Saturday afternoons, starting at 2 PM Eastern-ish. We have already progressed out of Praetoria. Impropmtu play is permitted, of course. Again, all are welcome to join us, you just have to make it to heroside.