Question directed at full-human PB's




My question for those of you doing human only PB's is this: How bad is it dealing with mez? I'm stuck trying to decide between human only and human/dwarf hybrid. I can't deny that I do more damage and have more utility in the way of heals, stuns, etc, as a full human, but I don't know if I'm comfortable not having the dwarf as a backup for when I get held or slept or something. But if I'm going to use dwarf, then I have to devote a fair amount of slots to it, and of course the human form suffers. Currently, it suffers in not having any worthwhile shields, which unfortunately means that if I start taking chunks of damage I don't have time to shape shift to protect myself.

I know I can slot a fair amount of mez resistance into the build, but it won't help much if mezzes start getting stacked on me, and I don't want to be at the mercy of whether or not I happen to have a spare breakfree in my tray. If all my slots are devoted to the human side, too, then even if I change into a dwarf to avoid being stuck in whatever mez is on me, it's doubtful he'd last long without proper slotting. Not to mention it just feels like the white dwarf is missing an attack, badly. (Or at least needs a lot of recharge.)

Just double checked and Mids tells me that Light Form does have mez protection, but I can see it's hard to get the recharge down to anything reasonable. As a secondary question, can Light Form be activated during a mez, like White Dwarf can?



Originally Posted by Izuma View Post
My question for those of you doing human only PB's is this: How bad is it dealing with mez? I'm stuck trying to decide between human only and human/dwarf hybrid. I can't deny that I do more damage and have more utility in the way of heals, stuns, etc, as a full human, but I don't know if I'm comfortable not having the dwarf as a backup for when I get held or slept or something. But if I'm going to use dwarf, then I have to devote a fair amount of slots to it, and of course the human form suffers. Currently, it suffers in not having any worthwhile shields, which unfortunately means that if I start taking chunks of damage I don't have time to shape shift to protect myself.

I know I can slot a fair amount of mez resistance into the build, but it won't help much if mezzes start getting stacked on me, and I don't want to be at the mercy of whether or not I happen to have a spare breakfree in my tray. If all my slots are devoted to the human side, too, then even if I change into a dwarf to avoid being stuck in whatever mez is on me, it's doubtful he'd last long without proper slotting. Not to mention it just feels like the white dwarf is missing an attack, badly. (Or at least needs a lot of recharge.)
It's really simple for me: I use breakfrees and play the character like a Blapper. There's no way to avoid using breakfrees on an all-human build. If you don't want to depend on breakfrees then you should try the hybrid build.

Just double checked and Mids tells me that Light Form does have mez protection, but I can see it's hard to get the recharge down to anything reasonable. As a secondary question, can Light Form be activated during a mez, like White Dwarf can?
You can't use light form while mezzed.

Old School



My human only PB uses breakfrees when I need them, but most of the time I don't. I have stealth and the stealth proc in sprint. I solo most of the time on my PB, so being able to sneak around most mobs helps a lot. I tried the mez resistance route, and it's just too much for too little.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Well, I'll preface this by saying (a) I came from playing a blaster, before defiance 1.0, much less 2.0, and (b) I play a lot of squishies. So mez... I'm used to planning around and working toward preventing it.

A biform (human/dwarf) build is one way of doing it, yes. Try to fit some recharge in the attacks.

Personally... I tend to go with stealth. Now, in a multi-mezzer group this doesn't always work, but it *does* let me get that first strike in a good part of the time (with my own mez/damage, aka Incandescent Strike) and/or take down the void - and despite what some want to say about knockback, Radiant (and the good old fashioned stomp) works nicely as a ghetto anti-mez, too. They can't mez you if they're ragdoll-sliding down a ramp, after all (you'd be surprised at how much time even a small ramp or angled section of floor, like an arachnos base has, can give you,) but you *can* beat on them.



Originally Posted by _Dawun_ View Post
It's really simple for me: I use breakfrees and play the character like a Blapper. There's no way to avoid using breakfrees on an all-human build. If you don't want to depend on breakfrees then you should try the hybrid build.

You can't use light form while mezzed.

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin