Additions to existing Incarnate pools




Sooo yeah. With the buttload of additions coming to Lore, I was wondering what other categories could use some extras. Upon thinking it over, I came up with the following:


Entrapment: Each attack has a chance of either holding or confusing your foe. These procs would be enhanceable via Alpha and global IO bonuses.

T1: 20% chance for mag 1, 7 second hold.

T2 Core: 20% chance of Mag 2 Hold, 9 seconds.
T2 Radial: 25% chance of Mag 2 Confuse, 12 seconds

T3 Partial Core: 40% Chance of Mag 3 hold for 12 seconds
T3 Total Core: 40% chance of Mag 2 hold (10 seconds) with another 40% chance of another Mag 2 hold (so basically 20% chance of a 10 second mag 4 hold)
T3 Partial Radial: 50% chance of Mag 3 Confuse for 15 seconds
T3 Total Radial: 75% chance of Mag 2 confuse + 75% chance of mag 2 confuse (12 seconds)

T4 Complete Core: 65% Chance of Mag 3 hold + 50% chance of an additional 1 Mag for 15 seconds
T4 Complete Radial: 85% chance of mag 3 confuse +65% chance of +1 mag confuse for 20 seconds


You might be wondering why the numbers deviate from the traditional 25/50/75/100% formula. TBH, hold and confuse are too powerful for anyone to be able to stack easily. can you imagine someone with 2 AoEs making controllers and dominators obsolete? Confuse is slightly less powerful overall, hence it's higher percentages and duration.


I'd like to see them fill in the thematic gaps (Earth, Energy,Toxic, Psionic), though I wanted to really delve into that last one...

T1: Cerebral: 30 foot PBAoE, psi damage. 16 targets.

T2 Cerebral Core: 30 foot PBAoE, psi damage, 24 targets
T2 Cerebral Radial: 30 foot PBAoE, psi damage, 16 targets, 25% chance of mag 2 fear on survivors.

T3 Total Core: 50 foot PBAoE, Psi damage, 28 targets
T3 Partial Core: 30 foot PBAoE, Psi Damage, 24 targets (Does more damage than T2 or the above T3)
T3 Total Radial: 50 foot PBAoE, psi damage, 28 targets, 50% chance of Mag 3 fear on survivors (15 seconds)
T3 Partial Radial: 30 foot PBAoE, Psi damage, 24 targets, 25% chance of mag 2 fear, 25% chance of Mag 2 confuse (15 seconds)

T4 Core complete: 50 foot PBAoE, 32 targets, maximum psi damage
T4 Radial Complete: 50 foot PBAoE, 32 targets, less damage than above but 50% chance for mag 3 fear and confuse on survivors. (25 seconds)


Anything you guys would like to see added to the existing categories?

Oh snap, i just realized the confuses from both things i suggested would stack... ah well ^_^


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)