Sword & Board Build Thoughts...




I have a BS/SD scrapper which is my highest scrapper ever, sitting now at 35 and I've started to play with builds to see what I can do.

Here's my first pass...

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
As you can see, I've built for softcapped defence and +HP/Regen. I team roughly 15-20% of the time I play, so I'd rather pick for solo play, but if it helps the team too, so much the better.

I think the +Def is a wise move, but I'm not sure what noticeable effect the +regen will give me.

I have lots of money, but am not sure I want to spend a lot on this toon, so things like PvP & Purple recipes are out. Everything else is pretty much "in".

People talk about +Recharge and there's very little built into the build. Why is it so important? Is it so that big attacks come back quicker? I don't see the value in spending millions on getting a massive recharge bonus just to shave a couple of seconds off here & there. (Coming from an Empath here where +Recharge is critical)

What sort of Incarnate slots should I be looking at? I've thought about opting for +Damage, but am unsure about caps & such.

All thoughts appreciated.





Recharge is important because you want to open with build up and shield charge on every spawn. Not to mention the ideal attack chain of head splitter, disembowel, head splitter.

you are so currently soft to all three positions without parry which is quite impressive but you don't have hasten therefore you have to have parry in your attack chain, this lowers your optimal DPS. also consider that in the Incarnate trials you will have to use parry twice in order to soft cap yourself against those warworks victoria boss's.

This is my current build it differs from yours and that I had to have targeting drone and caltorps. The drone is just for show/character theme but the caltrops are actually useful in trials.

I would also advise building towards 60% to all defenses. Especially if intend to run a lot of incarnate trials.

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Wouldn't a better attack chain that requires less +Recharge be Hack>Disembowel>Hack>Head Splitter?

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Thanks ever so much for the reply Bronze...

I'm not overly worried about optimal DPS - I've played defenders a lot!

However, opening your build and seeing a flat out improvement in positional defence was a bit staggering for me I'm normally used to picking optimal builds straight out of a hat. This is precisely what I was after - which is a completely different viewpoint.

So the main difference between these builds is that mine favours regen over recharge. Yours favours recharge and a bit more defence over regen.

I'm guessing that with that huge defence and a little resistance, you assume that the regen is not as important.

How does your build play? Are you sucking wind much?
Don't you find caltrops counter-intuitive to AAO?
What are your thoughts on Shield Charge as an opener? (i.e. use it from range rather than jumping into a spawn and getting AAO bonusses before firing it)

That was a really helpful reply. Thanks very much.




Originally Posted by The_Laughing_Man View Post
1. I'm guessing that with that huge defence and a little resistance, you assume that the regen is not as important.
2. How does your build play?
3. Are you sucking wind much?
4. Don't you find caltrops counter-intuitive to AAO?
5.What are your thoughts on Shield Charge as an opener? (i.e. use it from range rather than jumping into a spawn and getting AAO bonusses before firing it)
1. This build is intended for Incarnate Trials. The chances of having enough time to regenerate a measurable amount of health that's going to keep me alive are slim at best. Defense I am figuring out now although helpful is useless without team buffs that push me past 60 to 70%. Resistance is very useful as it lowers your total damage that you will be taking and I would definitely recommend building more in. I have found the new defense soft cap either unreachable or unaffordable for myself. However you are welcome to investigate it yourself.

2,4,5. My build has proven itself rather effective in the incarnate trials ( which is the only content this character has run recently) what I generally do after zoning in is jump past the first group of mobs and sometimes the second group depending on how the league is doing and charge a group by myself.

I eat a red, yellow, purple, and orange inspirations then hit Build Up and Shield Charge at range into the middle of a group followed by Pyronic Radial Judgment.

Let me explain what that does for me. At this time almost the entire mob is either knocked down or dazed from Judgment. Then I make a choice, I look at the team trying determine where they are at on the previous group. The question I ask myself is "Will I survive long enough for the Tank to get here".

If yes I use Whirling Sword, Slice, Head Splitter, Parry.

If I don't think I'll survive long enough I use my trump card Caltorps.

Caltrops is a wonderful tool, I forget the exact numbers behind it but it has a rather high magnitude fear built into it along with damage (in fact if I'm not mistaken it has one the highest DPAs in the game) this fear causes the mobs to run around like chickens there and cut off. Exactly as planned, mobs running around (like chickens with their head cut off) aren't attacking me and therefore aren't dealing any damage. If i'm going to die anyway this has at least bought me more time if it hasn't saved me outright. Then I double stack Parry and continue as normal with Whirling Sword, Slice, Head Splitter.

3. This builds one weaknesses is endurance. with all my toggles and Sprint running I'm sitting right on the edge of my endurance regeneration I can farm solo at x2/8 just fine and generally not have any endurance issues. However endurance draining Enemies are problematic, I can do carnies it's just more work and more inspirations. Keeps me on my toes to say the least.

Captain Den'Rath 53* Merk/Traps MM, Rivona 50Energy Blast/Time Cor,Victoria Von Heilwig 53* Dual Pistols/Traps Cor, Crab Spider Webguard 53* SOA, Accela 53* Bot/FF MM,Valkyrie's Executor 53* Broadsword/Shield Def Scrap. On FREEDOM! @Knight Of Bronze
"Hypocrisy, the human inherent." "Let not this work be wasted, apply yourself always."



Thanks for your reply.

Back to Mids....




Originally Posted by Bronze Knight View Post
Caltrops is a wonderful tool, I forget the exact numbers behind it but it has a rather high magnitude fear built into it along with damage (in fact if I'm not mistaken it has one the highest DPAs in the game) this fear causes the mobs to run around like chickens there and cut off.
Nitpick -- IIRC, it's not a "fear" proper as in the mezz type, which I think is called "terrorize" and results in cringing. It's called "avoid" and results in moving off the patch. Rains and Arctic Air use the same mechanic. It is indeed handy for mitigation.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



What are your goals for the build? Are you looking to solo AV's, pylons, and so on, or just looking for a solid team build?

For some great builds and build ideas, check out Fury Flechette's post, "Electric/Shield and Fire/Shield for any budget". Fire/SD builds should be very similar to what you're looking for.

edit to add link: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=216944

One of the reasons people value +rech bonuses on a shield build is the ability to double stack Active Defense. Properly enhanced and double stacked, and combined with grant cover, this can get you within spitting distance of the DDR (defense debuff resistance) cap. It's sort of an expensive proposition, but the difference it makes in survivability is definitely noticeable.

As to +regen, this affects your ability to recover health. Against hard targets, those few hits that sneak through your defense really hurt, /sd not having very high resistances and no native heal.

The 'iTrial' defense cap is effectively 59%- I haven't seen builds that achieve this without shorting themselves somewhere else, but you might be able to pull something off by using Parry for melee def and overbuilding elsewhere. Building to 47.5- a small inspiration from the softcap, is a much more reasonable goal.