I have goals for this toon, but I'm having a difficulty maximizing my slots/bonuses.
I want to keep M/R/AE at 45%.. but I feel I'm using too much slots for it? I know there's gotta be some sets I can get that wont req 6slotting everything but I'm not that familiar with the available IOs.. I also want to 5slot Fireblast and 6slot Fireball.. I also want more ddr but don't want to pick up GC for it.. here's what I have planned.. I just hit 49 and am about to respec but want to make sure I min/max my goals.
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Well you could drop something for parry and use that to boost melee defence freeing up slots for other things. With deflection 6 slotted with red fortune, 1 defence IO in CJ and Weave, the steadfast unique and one application of parry (with 1 defence IO) puts you at 46.6% melee.
I have goals for this toon, but I'm having a difficulty maximizing my slots/bonuses.
I want to keep M/R/AE at 45%.. but I feel I'm using too much slots for it? I know there's gotta be some sets I can get that wont req 6slotting everything but I'm not that familiar with the available IOs.. I also want to 5slot Fireblast and 6slot Fireball.. I also want more ddr but don't want to pick up GC for it.. here's what I have planned.. I just hit 49 and am about to respec but want to make sure I min/max my goals.