A Suggestion for Incarnate Content
So, essencially you want solo content to test out your incarnate abilities, and a more viable solo way to make them progress.
I could go with that
Zones I don't see happening ('cause it's a lotta work y'all) but the Devs have said there's more Incarnate Trials in the making (ex Praetor Keyes island and the Underground one) as well as missions and TF specific to Incarnates (and probably set in Praetoria.)
So you just have to be pacient.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Unsigned. 'pl meh' crowds can be quite easily ignored, and I prefer not to have to break up a team of friends because some of them are below an arbitrary level to come along.
My characters - all on Virtue.
Gabe's Internet [censored] Theory
RMT spammers WILL steal your credit card.
Unsigned. 'pl meh' crowds can be quite easily ignored, and I prefer not to have to break up a team of friends because some of them are below an arbitrary level to come along.
Removing the level gating of hazard zones was one of the best things they ever did. I couldn't even tell you how many times I had to quit teaming with my friends because a random mission location ended up in a hazard zone I couldn't enter.
Gating something like this would only serve to make the game even MORE focused on end game stuff than it is now. The way it is now I can play my all tier 4 incarnate character on a team with my friend's level 35 character. If you gate a new zone to only allow level 50s in you are going to split the players into distinct groups, which is a bad thing in a game that is touted for being able to team with anyone at any time regardless of level.
New zones is not the answer to more Incarnate content. If we're going to get new zones I'd MUCH rather they be new zones for EVERYONE, not just tweaked level 50s.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
One of the biggest problems with the current Incarnate content is that there is not enough of it. .
Lost me right there. Content doesnt come out of thin air, give them time to add more, then if you dont like the style of stuff they add you can complain about that.
Patience, and take the time to get the toons you want ready for the next drop, cause if its anything like the last, you'll be running more trials than ever including the new and old ones..
OrionsWarrior lvl 50 Empath/Psi (Since Beta)
One of the biggest problems with the current Incarnate content is that there is not enough of it. I have a large suggestion for this. Its time to create 3 full and complete (IE not Cimerora) zones. 1 for Heroes, 1 for Villains, 1 for both.
These zones need to be gated because in these zones all your incarnate abilities, including your incarnate shifts, are active. The other reason to gate these zones is to prevent the "PL meh" crowd from invading. These zones and the enemies in them are built for incarnates of various power so that sections of the zone can be handled by new incarnates and other sections are best left to the veteran incarnates. These zones should have full sets of contacts and multiple (>5) story arcs that can be followed as well repeatable generic missions. It would be nice if these zones are cosmic in scope.
The enemies should include some enemies that are lvl 54+. All of these enemies should have the chance to drop threads. Regular missions should reward an Astral merit for completion with the chance to earn additional ones if there are optional objectives in them. Story arcs should reward an Empyrean merit for completion, be replayable and be all be approximately the same length to prevent the power gamers from farming the "quickest" route to a merit. Stealthing any of these missions should be difficult but at the same time they should not be kill alls. Possibilities I've considered include a short escort to an objective point or sequential click objectives with long activation timers and mission timers that start after the first objective has been clicked (encourages the clearing of the path to and the area around the objectives before starting the process).
Its getting late and the hamster in the exercise wheel that powers my brain has gone to sleep. I'll probably add to this tomorrow.
Or look at it and wonder what I was thinking.
Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TL
"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno