Animal Mastery
I love the idea. And it all hinges on the game adding four-legged models for the pets. There's plenty of call for it- horse for Nemisis soldiers, big cat or bear tamers for the Carnival, dog handlers for Malta, infected DE animals, strange Rikti/Hydra beasts, nightmares and hellhounds for the COT. There should even be a pool option for characters that have a familiar (characters such as The Falcon, Kazar, or any cowboy and his favorite trick horse). So when that day comes (and don't hold your breath) like they say, "I'm gonna roll me one of those."
Just call me "The Pool Guy" - cause I believe that power pools are the ultimate in powerset proliferation. Fewer powers to develop and available to all.
"ADVERBS - we define action!"
"ADVERSE - we are action!"
Your idea, while not a bad one, absolutely requires them to add new skeletons to the game.
Have you ever noticed the complete lack of four legged animals anywhere in the game? That's because the skeletons to create them don't exist within the game engine at the moment, and that will be a LOT of work to get it done.
The devs have been using the same 3 skeleton models since the beginning of the game, and I imagine the reason that there aren't more of them is simply because it is a great deal of work to add new skeletons.
It's not completely hopeless though. Demon Summoning has variations on the currently existing skeletons, and Beast Run has a four legged stance, so it might be possible to cobble together something for an animal skeleton.
I'm wit Aitchuu on this one though, this suggestion definitely falls into the "don't hold your breath" category.
Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately. |
This is a brilliant Idea, but as everyone else stated, this would be hard for the Dev people to implement. I like the Rikti Monkey one, though.
Open Archetype Suggestion thread!, Kirsten's Epic Weapon Pools, Feudal Japan, Etc., Alignment specific Rularuu iTrials!
If Masterminds didn't suck, they'd be the most powerful AT in the game.
A boomerang, an elephant gun, and a bladed yoyo? While I agree with the others that this is something unlikely to happen due to the four-legged skeletons necessary, it'd probably help if the three attacks that MM could have all used the same weapon, and similar theme. I mean I get that those three weapons are hunting weapons, but they don't really go together. And it would also be helpful if the weapons could have different skins for weapon customization. No ideas currently come to my mind to help, but then I just got off from work, and feel a bit brain fried :P
Well actually they are closer now with demon pets. The LT lvl demons run around on 4 legs and also they have done beast run so maybe this wouldn't be as difficult now as it used to be.
(Sorry Claws I didn't read your post fully )
I never noticed any Animal Master powerset for the Master Minds, so I thought up of one possible set for it:

The animal master has learned how to tame and control animals to do his bidding. He/she uses a variety of weapons used for hunting including the use of ancient hunting tools.
1. Boomerang: You hurl a boomerang at your opponent with deadly accuracy dealing minor smashing damage and has a small chance to stun your opponent. Recharge: Fast
2. Call Wolves: You summon up to three wolves (depending on your level) to do your bidding. These wolves are quick and do lethal damage. You may only have three wolves at your command at any given time. If you attempt to summon more wolves you can only replace those that have been lost in battle. If you already have the maximum amount your power will fail. Recharge: Very long.
3. Elephant Gun: Though it takes a bit longer to go off, the explosive power of this gun can knockback even the mightiest of foes. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Moderate.
4. Cyber Implants: Cyber Implants will permanently bestow all of your animal companions new found abilities and powers. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the type of animal that the powers bestow. For the wolves, the implants add two small side missile launchers to each one. For the first wolf the missiles deal fire damage (DoT). The second wolf's missiles deals cold damage and the third's deal regular fire damage. For the first eagle/hawk it gains laser vision that deals fire damage and can see stealthy foes somewhat. The second eagle/hawk gains a healing beacon on its head that allows it to heal its animal brethren. The bear's implants increase it's strength dramatically. It claws will now do additional damage to his opponents defenses. Cyber Implants only work on your animal companions and you can only apply this once to your animals. Recharge: Fast.
5. Around the World!: Just as the Phillipinoes did before modern hunting weapons became available, you spin a serrated yo-yo around you, dealing lethal damage to all within your area of effect. Even though it is a PbAoE it has a longer range around you and has a chance to knockdown all opponents within range and decrease their attack damage and speed. Damage: Moderate. Recharge: Moderate.
6. Call Eagles/Hawks: Summons one to two hawks/eagles to do your bidding. Both are quick and circle around their master to protect him. Their agility gives them high damage resistance and their screech is a ranged sonic attack that may stun their prey. You may only have two eagles/hawks in your control at one time. If you attempt to summon more eagles/hawks, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have the maximum amount, the power will fail. Recharge: Very long.
7. Rikti Horde: You have mastered your animal taming skills to temporarily summon up to 10 rikti monkeys to aid you. These monkeys are hard to control however and will leave you after 90 seconds. These monkeys are not like your other animals and cannot be given direct commands or appear in your pet window. You must select an enemy target to attack before summoning the Rikti Monkeys.
8. Call Bear: You summon a mighty bear to aide you in your endeavors. This bear has high defense and damage resistance to cold, lethal, and smashing, and does lethal damage to your opponents. Like a brute he is melee based and gains fury the longer it fights. You may only have one bear under your control at a time. If you already have a bear, the power will fail. Recharge: Very Long.
9. Spirits of the Ancients: This power unlocks the hidden potential of your animal companions by tapping into the spirits of their ancient ancestors. This will grant your animals new abilities and powers. Your wolves speed and damage resistance increases along with their accuracy. Your eagles/hawks can now do additional psionic damage in addition to their other powers and can terrify their enemies. The bear's attack damage is increased as well as it's resistance to cold and fire, and can now do the equivalent of the foot-stomp ability.
That's about it! Thanks for reading my ideas!