Pontification about why I chose CoH




I liked the title!

And I'm just here for the free food.
Where is that free food anyway??

Hehe... In all (well, some... maybe a little) seriousness, I'm not a fan of the standard game designs. For me, it's not about the genre, as I could enjoy most (likely with a few exceptions), and this game successfully covers many genres on its own anyway... It's just that it is one of the few survivors on the market that focuses more on the fun side than on the standardized rules/mechanics/limitations.
The customization is a huge part of that, both in visuals and in power/ability choices.
Probably the major positive thing is that the ability and skill system is not based on items... and not visual items/apparel. The enhancement system is a nice invisible loot system that almost doesn't even count in my mind as a loot system (even though it is).
And that ties in very nicely with the whole visual customization and allowing the user to create their character/concept with little hindrances from the game mechanics (other than just inevitable limitations of not being an all-encompassing computer program of infinite options and capabilities).
Add to the mix a very fun and friendly mentality/vibe that permeates from the company on down through the game and into the community and you get a wonderful place to spend some fun happy play time make believe!

Also, player bases, mission architect and sidekicking allow for so much freedom and tailor-made fun.

I was never into the standard-fare mmorpgs.
I played one other one that I loved... a long time ago... in a galaxy far far away... until that was literally destroyed... for very similar reasons (minus the great company and community).
I like freedom in my games and the ability to get lost in the world of make believe.
Cheers to CoH!

(And, after having types this out, you can see why I appreciated the title!)

The animations and most especially the ragdoll physics are HUGE factors to me enjoying this game!!!
All of what I mentioned above is great, but the actual game, when I am punching, kicking, blasting, shooting, mesmerizing my enemies needs to be fun, entertaining, exciting and compelling...
And through the animations, the randomized element of each encounter potentially being unique due to positions, environment, powers, ragdoll physics and such (combined with playing a character I am invested in and enjoy from concept to appearance) makes playing the actual game (solo, small team, large team, league) super fun!!
That all is why I am here... That and the free food. Where is that again??

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"