Katana / Super Reflexes Build Critique, Please




I'm currently looking at tweaking Tibis' build, as I feel it has a few slot inefficiencies currently and I'm lacking a few highly recommended procs.

After perusing a few /SR and Kat/ discussion posts, I've come up with the following:

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
The goals for this were:

* Softcap positional defences.
* But not worry about "Incarnate softcap", as I can generally expect defence buffs on iTrials.
* High accuracy.
* Enough recharge to run the GC - GD - GC - SD chain.
* Enough recharge to have Hasten permanently up.
* Only require two Purple sets.
* Avoid insanely expensive PvP Enhancements.
* Add suggested procs like the Achilles' Heel resistance debuff, and some bonus damage that isn't smash or lethal.

I'll need to build the very rare IO sets over time (I've only got the Hecatomb proc at the moment) and while I'm doing so the two powers slated to have them will have plain IOs (Acc / End Red / Rech / 3x Dam) instead.

I know Combat Jumping is probably overslotted, but I want the recharge set bonus from Kismet as I'm tapped out on 5% and LotG bonuses. I could dump Elude and go for Laser Beam Eyes, except I've generally avoided powers that are hard to justify for someone who is "natural". And yes, he's an Incarnate, but still...

Any suggestions and constructive criticisms will be gratefully received.



no self-heal ? ouch

English isn't my birth language, so don't blame me if I do some mistakes. thank you !



SR doesn't have one naturally, and wasting power choices on Medicine seems counter-productive. He's not really needed it as I usually have Greens to chomp and defeat has a trivial penalty in this game.

Additionally, while it's not plugged into the build as it doesn't directly affect other powers, I've got Rebirth Partial Radial Invocation (T3 Destiny), and will be the next Incarnate power I take to T4 (as soon as I get the Very Rare).



as someone who have a kat/SR main I think your build is quiet different than mine although almost same power choices. I got assault instead of elude and that's all.

A few thing that caught my eyes in your build and in your statement;

High Accuracy: IMHO you don't need this as much as you spent IO's and frankenslot. Katana already drops defense with each attack and with its high recharge rate.

Add damage: You are saying to add damage but you didn't even put hecatomb or aramageddon damage in your powers.

softcap positional defence: Although its true that %45 is soft cap its better to have something between %47-48 too many things in the game have high tohit buff's and i realised thet when I run with %45.x positional defense I got hit alot more than when I do with %47-48.

My suggestions may take a long time instead I will put my build and let you decide where to go from there. I can run gc-gd-gc-sd attack chain without a problem its not perma-hasten but pretty close currently working on it to make perma. It has better damage and slightly better max health, regen and resist.

Here is my current build

| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
EDIT: one more thing if you are slotting boxing solely for set bonus than do it with purple it will give you more room for removing other recharge sets and replace them with damage sets. I know you said only two purple set but absolute amazements most recipes are cheap compared to armageddon or hecatomb. Its something I am trying to make with my build too but I need to get slots on boxing.