League Chat Beeping is Annoying




I don't know who bright idea it was to put that beep in League chat system. It is really annoying to listen as much as stand next to a portal at portal corp. Is there a option to turn it off I want my normal sound not have listen to BRR BRR BRR every 2 second when someone chats in League!!!! That or at least turn it down or give us access to put are own sound in for that.



Yeah, it was added because it people weren't paying attention to league chats.

Unfortunately this was like putting beeps on Broadcast (SEPPUKU! SEPPUKU! SEPPUKU!).

I'm wondering if there'd just be a way to apply the beeps to team/league leaders instead of just a general chat beep.

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It was added for the same reason that Team chat beeps - to get your attention. In my opinion, it was a serious oversight to not have a beep in the first place and this is a useful QoL fix.

I have no problem with people being able to adjust it or turn if off, but I sure as hell don't want it removed.

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I took a break from trial-grinding and played my first trial since the sound was added last night. OMG just the sound once is annoying. Let alone "Leader: Everyone here?" "BLIP BLIP BLIP BLIP"x24 members of BAF in under 5 seconds. At one point during the Lambda it was so irritating while running on the acid map I adjusted my grip on the mouse to get to mute so I could think straight and ended up faceplanted.

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