Purchase Limit

Father Xmas



Ok so i heard about this Purchase Limit just recently and its stupid but oh well anyways i reactivated my account after 2years and after tried to purchase going rogue so i assumed i had to wait 24 hours till i can purchase it soo i reactivated my account @ 5:39 PM Est yesterday and its now 5:53PM Est so i assume thats 24 hours soo i attempted to make a purchase of going rogue and the same thing is popping up "We were unable to complete your order please try again later or tomorrow" so what else could be the problem? do i gotta wait 48hours? 72hours? Does anyone know the problem?



Originally Posted by Nub Saibot View Post
Ok so i heard about this Purchase Limit just recently and its stupid but oh well anyways i reactivated my account after 2years and after tried to purchase going rogue so i assumed i had to wait 24 hours till i can purchase it soo i reactivated my account @ 5:39 PM Est yesterday and its now 5:53PM Est so i assume thats 24 hours soo i attempted to make a purchase of going rogue and the same thing is popping up "We were unable to complete your order please try again later or tomorrow" so what else could be the problem? do i gotta wait 48hours? 72hours? come on NCsoft

This a problem with NCSoft's online store. Unfortunately Paragon Studios can do nothing about NCSoft's stupid online store.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
This a problem with NCSoft's online store. Unfortunately Paragon Studios can do nothing about NCSoft's stupid online store.
Yes i Realize this from previous threads iv read but this is pure BS



1. Did you increase the purchase limit allowance to it's maximum?


2. Or, are you hitting the serial code purchase limit which you can't get around with NCSoft, but, you can get around by purchasing elsewhere?


3. I once elevated a ticket four levels in order to complain about this.

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There is also the possibility that your CC company simply doesn't allow multiple purchases in a few minutes of each other to the same "online gaming service". Maybe they got burned to many times so they and not NCSoft limit it to once a day.

The one time I used the store, during the Black Monday sale I think, I didn't have any problem buying multiple items using my Discover card, which is the same card I use for subscriptions on a semi regular basis.

So either Discover or their fraud security system decide the NCSoft wasn't an unusual retailer for me or that NCSoft is generally considered all right. I mean the last time Discover questioned a purchase of mine was when I bought a new somewhat expensive suit, which I thought was hilarious (so did the women from Discover I talked to; "OMG! a guy, buying clothes, flag it!").

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well i doubt its the limit when i sent in a ticket i got this,

Thank you for contacting NCsoft Account Support.

In reviewing your purchase attempts, we have found that they have triggered our Risk Management security feature. When making purchase from the NCsoft Store, please ensure that your Internet browser and computer are not set to block any features from our website. Also, please confirm that all of your contact and billing information is correct and up-to-date.

And everything is up to date so all thats left is the Internet browser which i have no clue how to do or even check if it has a block on it.