UI/QoL Improvement Suggestions




I'm putting this thread together to put down my own thoughts on improving player experience through UI changes. Feel free to pitch in with your own ideas.

Force Fields and other Single-Target Team Buffs

Anyone who's ever played a character with Force Fields, Cold Domination, Thermal Radiation, or any of the other powersets with a single-target medium-duration buff knows the intense joy that comes from clicking your way down the team list and buffing each one individually. Even building a macro to go through the team list is a fairly clunky solution.

Clearly these buffs are meant to be applied to a character's entire team. While it might have seemed like there were good reasons at the time (seven years ago) to force these to be individually targeted, it would be much simpler if, when cast, these buffs simply hit all teammates in range (or even 'all members of the targeted character's team', to make it easier to handle for leagues).

This could readily be applied to the aforementioned powersets, as well as other buffs like Speed Boost, Clear Mind, or Increase Density.

Removing Buffs

On a somewhat related note, the ability to right click on a temporary buff and turn it off would be nice. While this is primarily a good way to avoid RP-griefers covering people in shields (and letting RPers get rid of things like the arm glow from Hasten if they want to do it in a hurry), it's also useful for the rare person who didn't want that Speed Boost or Inertial Reduction.

Global Email

Two issues with the Global Email system: the first is the 15-second delay between sending mail messages. This made sense once as an anti-spammer measure; however, there are a number of better ones that have been implemented since then, and I question whether this one's still necessary. It's most frustrating when sending items to myself, but sometimes I'm helping to kit out a friend in IOs, and being able to send the six things I just crafted while my friend is offline without having to wait for each message would be nice.

Second, it would also be really helpful to be able to send stacks of items (salvage or recipes) via global email. Sending enhancements on a 15-second timer is frustrating. Sending salvage on a 15-second timer is just pointless.

I may add further posts to this thread as I come up with other ideas.

The citizens in Paragon City terrify me. Anyone who will jump off a six-story building and swim across half of Independence Port just to say 'Thank you' didn't need my help in the first place.



The character select screen should show more information. Specifically, I'd like it to show a character's powersets and whether they have any bought or sold items in the AH