Incarnate slots





Haven't been on much lately and still haven't unlocked all of the incarnate slots for my main and none for my other 50, but thought I would ask around to see if people are happy with their choices. i am sure most of you have them all unlocked and some probably have them kitted out with tier 4s.

This is what I was thinking of doing with my 50 plant/thorn dom

Destiny: Rebirth
Interface: Diagmagnetic
Lore: Clockwork or Warwork (really not sure what is best for this slot)
Judgement: Pyronic <- actually have this slotted to tier 2

Be interested to hear what you like, and dislike about your selections.

Hope you all have a Happy Easter break and look forward to catching up in game.



Hello, MrF! You're talking to the plant.

The pyronic is an excellent choice - high damage at low levels, and your choice of wide area with tons of targets and DoT Fire or wide area plus tons of targets plus chance to stun. It makes a great compliment to the AOE immobs/holds/vines you're throwing. Also burns 3rd treespec vines in a snap.
Diamagnetic is an excellent choice, since many of your attacks will benefit from the procs. Either route is great.
Lore - I went with seers myself for the psychic damage, so I can't say which of the two choices you have would be better. Sorry.
Destiny - Ageless helps fill a healing role. Interesting choice here - it will be great on trials, hami raids and ship raids, and good on teams for soloing. Especially useful if you are working towards a healing badge. I definitely see the logic behind the choice.

Overall, sounds like a great gameplan. You'll need to ask someone else about the lore pets, but sounds like you could stomp a mudhole in a lot of people with that layout.

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel