Base touring group?




I was wondering if there would be any interest in forming a Base Tour group. We have many amazing bases created by rather creative builders, and I don't think they really get seen enough.

This would give new builders much inspiration while they get to see the wondrous things possible and set the fire of building upon them!

I love to take tours as much as I like giving them and meeting other builders... I'm just not very organized >.>

(It would be sweet if the Dev's took some of the tours too, so they can see what we've done and maybe have some thoughts on what the BBC are trying to do with what we have. Perhaps they might see some of our concerns from our point instead of just reading it. )

leader and founder of T.H.C The Honorable Criminals
and T.H.C The Hunted Capes



Funny, I thought about this a while back too. I feel I lack decorative creativity and would like some inspiration by seeing other's bases first-hand. I'd be game if this ever happens.



We used to do this all the time. Join the global channel BaseBuildersInc. and organize a tour whenever you want. You should have no problems getting people on board.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



I am on the BaseBuildersInc. channel, but many times people aren't paying attention to the channel. That is why I brought this up here

leader and founder of T.H.C The Honorable Criminals
and T.H.C The Hunted Capes



I'll give you a tour of my base if you like - I'm on Freedom right now.

"...freedom isn't a commodity to compromise." -- Captain America, New Avengers #21

Guide to Base Teleporters



Originally Posted by Matriarch View Post
I am on the BaseBuildersInc channel, but many times people aren't paying attention to the channel. That is why I brought this up here
Actually, it's BaseBuildersInc. just to clear up any possible typos... -_-;

My Lego Models lemur lad: God you can't be that stupid... I'm on at the same time as you for once, and not 20 minutes into it you give me something worth petitioning?
Lady-Dee: Hey my fat keeps me warm in the winter and shady in the summer.



Make sure the period is at the end. =)

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