Anyone having trouble getting Hallowe'en Tip Mission?




I have gotten the mission (Whispered Rumors) 3 of the 5 times needed for the accolade, then it suddenly stopped dropping for me. I would like to finish getting the accolade today, before the Devs pull the Hallowe'en Event and I have to wait until November.

I have been fighting Trick or Treat mobs in Peregrine and have gotten all kinds of salvage, temp powers, and even Shards! I even wore one of the costumes when going door-to-door!

Has anyone else had this problem?



EDIT: I took a break from Trick or Treating and did a regular tip mission. When I went back to ToT'ing, I got a tip mission -- but it was a regular one. (*sigh*)

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ToTing in costume in PI, I picked up three Halloween tips in the past 45 minutes. I'd say it's just the RNG playing tricks on you. Keep at it, and best of luck!



Originally Posted by SirFrederick View Post
ToTing in costume in PI, I picked up three Halloween tips in the past 45 minutes. I'd say it's just the RNG playing tricks on you. Keep at it, and best of luck!
Thanks very much, SirFrederick!

After posting the initial edit, I *did* *finally* manage to get a Hallowe'en tip mission. I ran it, went back to ToT'ing, then got another one, helping me to finish my set of 5 event badges and earning the accolade.

I had to laugh.

The RNG must have been rolling a year's worth of 1's between last night and this morning

I went back to ToT'ing ... and got *another* Hallowe'en tip mission!

Just for giggles, I did that 6th mission ... and was dismayed when 4 of the reward options were large inspirations and the 5th reward was a measly 5,000 Influence.

Darn diminishing returns!

Clear skies to you, SirFrederick!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
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