Freezing Rain and Procs
Procs in any area effect power, whether a damage aura, AoE attack or summoned area patch, make separate activation checks for each target in the area. Procs in a constant effect, like a toggle or rain, check once on initial cast and then every 10 seconds afterwards - so a proc in FR will have 2 chances to fire for each activation, as the patch lasts 15 seconds. Each time the proc 'fires' it will check against the targets currently in the patch - so theoretically if a target runs in immediately after casting and out again after 9 seconds, it won't have any chance of triggering the proc. Generally its best to count on the targets in the initial cast having a chance to fire off the proc and considering any you get the second time around to be a bonus.
Simple Question to the Storm-users. How do Damageprocs work in Freezing Rain. Is there a roll for every single NPC like in damage-auras or one roll and if it shoots it affect all baddies? Is there only a chance of firing once when i cast FR or is it possible that the Proc shoots more than once? What is with NPCs that run into FR? Never slotted a "Rain" Power with Procs, so excuse this Noob-Question.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Meanwhile i found this older Thread, which explains it all:
But thx anyway Eric.
Simple Question to the Storm-users. How do Damageprocs work in Freezing Rain. Is there a roll for every single NPC like in damage-auras or one roll and if it shoots it affect all baddies? Is there only a chance of firing once when i cast FR or is it possible that the Proc shoots more than once, all 10secs like in some other Powers? What is with NPCs that run into FR? Never slotted a "Rain" Power with Procs, so excuse this Noob-Question.