Wedding Themed Cossie Comp!! 25th June 2011




On the 25th of June 2011, I will be holding a wedding themed cossie comp, with a difference!!

Why a wedding theme?? It's to celebrate Mr and I being together for near 4yrs now!

I will be holding it in Pocket D at about 6pm on Defiant Server, (though time may get changed, so watch this space).
Basically come along in a cossie that you would wear to a wedding as a guest to the bride and groom.

Mr and I will be judging and Avatea has said she will come along too to give out some yummy gold titles!!

So, get on those snazzy wedding outfits on the 25th June in Pocket D!!

I will post up the prizes of the Cossie Comp nearer the time and any other details that need to be announced/added etc!!



Awww, unfortunately the wife will be at work (we're in the USA, so that's 2pm for us) but I'll be along

I recently moved to the USA (October) after being in a long-distance relationship with Dr Darkespark for around 5 years (pre-dated her playing CoH, I dragged her in here!) and got married in December. I'll probably come in a replica of what I wore to my wedding reception

Edit: Here's us at our wedding reception!



Never done a wedding themed..Hmmm..think i already have a idea in mind xd..