"No fade or pulse" option for Energy Aura
It's been suggested often, and I'll /SIGN it very time. I've parked my KM/EA Brute in favor of my KM/SR Brute. The KM/SR Brute looks much cooler, mostly due to the fact you can actually see him. You can see the KM animations with EA...kinda. Compared to SR you miss out on a lot of the subtleties of them, and that's a shame since those animations are just awesome.
You'd be nerfing yourself pretty badly skipping Energy Cloak. The entire reason to even roll Brute EA is for the combat stealth, and the set depends upon that combat stealth for a portion of its mitigation, so skipping EC and replacing it with something else that gives the same Defense will still leave you weaker.
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WARNING: I bold names.

It's been suggested often, and I'll /SIGN it very time. I've parked my KM/EA Brute in favor of my KM/SR Brute. The KM/SR Brute looks much cooler, mostly due to the fact you can actually see him. You can see the KM animations with EA...kinda. Compared to SR you miss out on a lot of the subtleties of them, and that's a shame since those animations are just awesome.
You'd be nerfing yourself pretty badly skipping Energy Cloak. The entire reason to even roll Brute EA is for the combat stealth, and the set depends upon that combat stealth for a portion of its mitigation, so skipping EC and replacing it with something else that gives the same Defense will still leave you weaker. |
Actually kill that combo asap energy auroa on brutes is not good dosent hold well if something connects it hurts lmao very low restiance im just saying <>

Heck, yeah, I'll /Sign this one!
While I have a nice list of issues with the set, THIS has always been the breaker for me. If I wanted to play my character's silhouette, I would have rolled up a stalker in the first place.
When I can once again see my character in action, I may finally pull my SS/EA brute out of limbo.
-This Space Intentionally Left Blank.-
One of my complaints (aside from the at best substandard nature of the defensive set) is that because of Energy Cloak I can't see my character in action, some might argue "Then don't take the power if it bothers you that much.". Problem with that is that it would cause a loss of about 6% defense that isn't easily made up, so my suggestion as the thread would already gives away, is to add a no fade option like dark armor has for Cloak of Darkness to Energy Cloak. This way players who have chosen Energy Aura if they want can appreciate the atheistic of their charcters design.