Blaster OR Squid WS which is better?




the name says it all er im talkin bout for damage

Regards, Four-Cee-Three



Not even CLOSE to enough information to go off of, here. What kind of Blaster are you talking about? Are you looking at AoE or single-target damage? Are you allowing the Warshade to go into other forms to help boost his damage? How much recharge are we talking about?

Blaster versus Squid is a meaningless comparison without these facts.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



just in general blasters and single target

Regards, Four-Cee-Three



and yes they can shift

Regards, Four-Cee-Three



Again, you aren't really giving enough information here for a real comparison. The only answer we can give with a question this vague is "it depends".

It depends on the powersets of the Blaster in question. It depends on whether you're looking at single-target damage or AOE damage. It depends on whether you're looking at a ranged/AOE build or a blapper build on the Blaster. It depends on whether or not the Warshade is making use of Mire(s). It depends on whether you're talking about leveling up or final damage output at 50. There's a lot of factors here.

Based on what you've said so far, the answer is a solid "well, it depends." A Nova-form Warshade is going to outdamage some Blaster builds but not others. At low levels it'll outdamage pretty much all Blasters builds simply because you have a full attack chain out of the box while Blasters have to develop theirs later in the life of the character.

With great power comes great RTFM -- Lady Sadako
Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server



At the high end (level 50 and sets included), the blaster will deal more damage. As he should. That's just the way the game is balanced. A warshade can do a lot of things that a blaster can't, but deal more damage is not one of those things. You should never ever create a warshade because you want a blaster. Or a tank for that matter. Any warshade can tank and can blast, but if what you want is a tank or a blaster, roll one of those.

You roll a warshade because want something that can flit about throwing AoE damage as he pleases because he's got 85% resist to everything and can get mez protection and more HP on top of that. You roll a warshade because you want to be able to lock an entire spawn down in stuns and holds while dealing damage and summoning up to four pets at a time. You roll a warshade because you want The MFing Warshade.

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Low damage blaster sets vs. a twinked out Warshade with mires up and multiple pets out? Warshade can pull it out.

General case scenario? Blaster, because dealing damage is what a blaster IS. It's not a total runaway, and Warshades can do a great many things quite well, but if you're asking whether Squids will dish out more damage than a twinked out blaster whose sole purpose is to rip things to shreds as fast as possible, then... no.

Rule number six of an empathy defender is NEVER underestimate a blaster's ability to die. I don't care if he has CM, Fort, both RAs, bubbles (both FF and Sonic), and is fighting next to a Storm defender with hurricane on. If there is a way to die in that situation, the blaster will find it.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
You roll a warshade because want something that can flit about throwing AoE damage as he pleases because he's got 85% resist to everything and can get mez protection and more HP on top of that. You roll a warshade because you want to be able to lock an entire spawn down in stuns and holds while dealing damage and summoning up to four pets at a time. You roll a warshade because you want The MFing Warshade.
That pretty much covers it... but to boil it down your WS is there to fill the Void.... Ever had one of those missions where the Tank went down then the rest of the team soon followed? Well as a 3form you can feel that void and save the team or give the Tank time to get back up and the same go for every other ability you have - Where there's a need... Theirs your WS to fill it.... not to mention that you can hold your own, when you need to.

"My life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely pretty and well preserved, but rather I will skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming...WOW...What a Ride"



Numerically speaking, a Blaster has a 1.125 damage modifier with ranged attacks, and a Kheldian in Nova form has 1.2. The Nova also gets a +45% to damage due to his Nova form power. Adjusted for 95% slotting in his attacks, that means the Nova would do the equivalent of about 1.44 damage modifier. That is about 28% more damage potential than the Blaster.

However, the WS can only get +11.25% per foe in range from Sunless Mire. (I will ignore double Mire since that's less likely to be a factor for Novas) The Blaster can get a total of 162.5% from both Aim and Build Up, while at best the WS will only get +112.5% for a saturated Mire of 10 targets. Again assuming three slotted attacks, that means the MAX damage potential (outside of any team buffing) is 2.011 for the Blaster, and only 1.7625 for the Nova. So the Blaster still has the potential to do more burst damage, even though Mire will last three times as long. So the Nova will still outperform with Mire saturated.

Finally, Bolt has a 0.6 damage scale with a 1.5 recharge time. Blast is 1/4, while Detonation is 0.9/16 and Emanation is 0.99/12. A Blaster's first two attacks are typically 1/4 and 1.64/8, while 0.9/16 is typical for the Targetted AoE. Cones vary, but Empty Clips comes close at 0.96/12. What this means is that while the Nova tends to match or exceed the Blaster's AoE damage, it's basic attacks are very fast and low damage. The Nova also lacks the heavier Blaster attacks such as Power Burst and the Tier 9s. (Although the human form has its own Tier 9, and Unchain Essense besides)

What this comes down to is, the Nova all by itself doesn't really have the attacks to compete with the Blaster. It has the damage, but throw in Aim/Build up and powerful attacks and the Blaster gets the advantage. On the other hand, the Nova has human form, to use Gravity Well and summon Essenses, and can go Dwarf form as well. Plus, with Eclipse the Nova can have WAY more resistance than the Blaster. So it really isn't a fair comparison unless you consider the other forms, and the more of the other forms you include, the more you end up comparing "apples to oranges".