Some Advice for a KM/WP




Hey everyone,

I'm thinking of running a KM/WP scrapper, having little experience with either set I'm a bit stumped as to the best effort to build for.

Playing with mids I was going to leave smash/lethal and push for energy/neg/fire/cold soft cap. However I feel I could possibly being foolish for this, and I may want to push for Smash/Lethal soft cap instead, but it seems that WP encourages forgoeing that in favour of my initial targets. But then smash/lethal is so easy for melee sets to achieve, given enough investment...

For KM, I'm up for skipping just the knockback and the taunt, and as far as APP/PPPs im pretty stumped.

Colour me confused... I've looked back a few pages for this combo and not seen much, but I'm hoping other people are playing it and can throw some advice my way!


Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
[*]Watching out for the Spinning Disco Portal of D00M!*



I wouldn't soft cap either on Willpower. That would leave your build with too little recharge to run a high DPS attack chain. I haven't done the math on KM and I'm not experienced at Willpower builds on Scrappers, but I have enough experience at making Tanker Willpower builds and other Scrapper builds.

First, figure out your attack chain and maybe an alternate one that doesn't require as much recharge. Aim for either 20% defense (2 smalls or 1 medium inspiration from the soft cap) to all, or 32.5% defense (1 small inspiration to soft cap) to all. Willpower's toggles + CJ + Weave will put you over 20% to all but S/L defense. Your choice to go to 32.5% depends on if you can get enough recharge to run a good DPS attack chain. If you do try for 32.5% defense, add in at least one more toggle, like Maneuvers.

You generally need 3 attacks for an attack chain. You sound like you want to take them all, but don't do it. That will leave you with too few of power choices. Body Blow, Smashing Blow, and Concentrated Strike are your highest base DPS attacks. Don't take Quick Strike. Take the AoE if you want it. The ranged attack has a lower base DPS than Quick Strike, but can hold some sets you may want.

For an epic pool, that is up to you. I usualy take Phsycial Perfection, but you won't need it on a WP build. You might like Shadow Meld to soft cap defense temporarily.