Couple quick Elec/SD Questions




Not looking for a build or anything, I have a general idea of where I'm going but I do have a couple of things I'm not sure on.

1. Jacob's Ladder...should I take this for leveling and respec out of it (maybe at 22 when I start to use IOs) or should I just skip it altogether?

2. With the lack of any self heal, will I need Aid Self for this build or should I just make sure to have some greens on hand? I've never really leveled anything without a self heal so I'm not sure what I'm getting myself into just yet, but if I need to grab Aid Self I'm gonna have to take a close look what I'm planning because that might be tough to fit in.




1. Its up to you. Most builds I see skip it and use Thunder Strike instead, mostly because Elec/SD can be tight on power selection.

2. Again, up to you. The interrupt can make it hard to use, but it can save you some inspirations if you get good at using it.



I have JL on mine and it does come in handy. I have invested a lot in mine so I freed up a couple power selections and that's the only reason I ended up taking it but it has proven to be useful. If you want to use it as an AoE it really has to be your opening move, otherwise things die and break the chain effect. I like to jump in the middle of a spawn and hit JL immediately, this lets me do a little damage while the spawn gathers up on me and feeds AAO. after the initial use, I then consider it a single target attack with the occasional benefit of chaining. Its not a game changing power and could certainly be skipped if you are tight on power choices.

I wouldn't bother with aid self, in any situation where it would be useful, you wouldn't be able to use it. Just keep a few greens in your tray, you probably wont need them very often. As you are leveling up purple insps will come in handy more than greens. When I was leveling mine I kept 1 wakie, 1 breakfree, 2 blues and then 50/50 greens and purples. Once you get sets on it and softcap the def you should only need about 4 greens in your tray (and they will probably gather dust).

GL and have fun, its an AoE beast!



Originally Posted by Fritzdog View Post
I wouldn't bother with aid self, in any situation where it would be useful, you wouldn't be able to use it.
Not really true. Shield Defense is a high defense secondary, which makes the hits less frequent. I often duo with a soft-capped Invuln Tanker, and he has almost no problem using Aid Self. Some of that, he says, is experience at knowing the timing of enemy attacks, and knowing when the lull will be. It is, of course, harder if you're below the soft cap and surrounded by the aggro cap of enemies. And sometimes it's impossible, like when you're standing in a pool of caltrops. But with a little practice, it can be pretty useful.

But useful doesn't make it necessary. It's only necessary if you go out of your way to make it necessary. I'd pick it up if I were doing no temp no inspiration Stupid Scrapper Tricks, but otherwise I think greens are better most of the time. I only took Aid Self on a single Scrapper, and wasn't really a fan of it, even if I have to admit that it was useful.

I too keep only three or four greens in my tray on my Fire/Shield (fairly close), and most of the time, they do gather dust. But they're nice for when things go really, really wrong.

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