Ss/fa/ ??




Just curious as to what would be better for an epic pool

More looking for damage wise I suppose

Pros/Cons ?

Between Pyre or Mu Mastery or is there a better one ?

Would fiery embrace make the pyre mastery better choice ?



There is math stating that Mu Mastery adds higher DPS by an apparently significant margin. My SS/Fire Brute came out of Praetoria straight to Blueside, so I haven't tested it. While I absolutely believe the numerous people who have stated that Mu Mastery is stronger, I -will- say that I've been quite satisfied with Pyre Mastery on My SS/Fire Brute. It is my plan to actively attempt to gain my brute Mu Mastery on one of its builds as soon as he has his Very Rare Cardiac alpha.

Too many alts to list.



Any other opinions ?



Imo, its mu if you are farming most of the time. Soul if you arent.
However, it was brought up that pyre might have more DPS than mu on a really really high rech build because you wouldnt have time to use fences. However, I have not yet tested this.

"I have ridden the mighty moon worm!"
-Al Gore
Fiery Aura is only good for farming, I'm cereal
